Wednesday 30 November 2022

Hesleden pit heap update

Regular readers of these pages will know that Stacey and I have been actively involved with residents for some time in representing their views on the developers’ plans to extend the time allowed to remove spoil from the pit heap in Hesleden. 

Background details to this issue can be found at this link which includes additional links to several related articles dating back almost 10 years:

Following contact with the planning case officer earlier this week regarding a resident’s query we received an update on the timeframe involved in the developers’ planning application being put before the planning committee for a decision. The case officer’s update is published below in full: 

Dear Cllrs Crute and Deinali

Thank you for your e-mails and for passing on the comments from the local community.  We are currently discussing alternative options for the restoration of the site with the operator.

The next available County Planning Committee would be 7 February 2023, however we cannot confirm if an application will be considered on this date until the agenda is published.  Residents who have commented on the application will be made aware of arrangements in advance of the Committee date.


We’ll find out what the implications might be of any ‘alternative options’ and post an update when we have a response. In the meantime please make use of the time available before the committee date to let the council know what you think about this development. Apart from a couple of Hesleden residents we’ve heard very little from the wider community so if you have any comments or queries about this development - or its impact on the community - please make your voice heard. 

Whatever your personal viewpoint or opinion you can submit your comments by using the contact details in this link:

Tuesday 29 November 2022

Options on parking issues at Park Avenue and School Avenue

Earlier this month I contacted the authorities to report a resident’s concerns about parking in and around the back lane between School Avenue and Park Avenue in Blackhall Colliery. Details can be found in the link below:

I have now received a response clarifying the current position which essentially suggests that if residents have concerns about obstruction or parking offences at this location they should contact the police. If residents would prefer to consider the adoption of specific measures to restrict parking they can contact the strategic highways department setting out their requirements. However, residents should be aware of the potential implications for their neighbours as set out in the response which is published below:

Hi Rob,


I’ve been in contact with Parking Services regarding this and they have sent a response to say that they have looked at the area and unfortunately as there are no parking restrictions in place, they are unable to carry out any enforcement.


They also provided the following information - the legislation that allows the Council to issue notices to vehicles contravening parking restrictions specifically excludes DCC from being able to enforce offences such as dangerous parking and obstruction. The power to enforce these offences lies with Durham Constabulary and consequently enforcement action may only be undertaken by a Police Officer. 


Our team are responsible for parking offences where there are restrictions on the public highway such as: 

•             Single/Double Yellow Lines

•             Disabled Bays 

•             Loading Bays 

•             School Keep Clears 

•             Bus Stop Clearways


The police are responsible for parking offences where there are no restrictions on the public highway such as: 

•             Dangerous parking e.g. parking close to a junction 

•             Obstruction of the carriageway e.g. blocking traffic, preventing access/egress from property 

•             Obstruction of the pavements e.g. blocking pedestrians such as wheelchair users, parents with prams, children going to school etc. 


Parking Services also noted that if the Council is to consider adopting measures such as double yellow lines, this would need to be requested via the Strategic Traffic department, however, it is worth noting that if such measures were implemented, this would also impact on residents wishing to park there.



BACKSTORY: Please follow the links in this article for full background details on this matter:

Monday 28 November 2022

Weekly round-up of local issues: 27 November 2022

Please go to the links below for updates on progress with some of the local issues I’ve been dealing with over the past week or so.

If there are any issues in your location that you’d like either me or Stacey to know about please get in touch with us at: or

Unsafe property at 21 Third Street

I was contacted last week by the neighbourhood wardens confirming that the private property in Third Street in Blackhall Colliery had been made safe and that the landlord had been made aware of any outstanding issues.

Pavements and public footpaths at Hatherley Square and Middle Street

The highways section confirmed earlier this week that the potentially dangerous pavements and public footpaths had been included in the current works programme for repair.

The inspector has estimated the response time for scheduled repairs to be 2 weeks for the Middle Street location and 10 weeks for the pavement at Hatherley Square.

Chicane/steps at Station Town

Neighbourhood wardens and the council’s Clean & Green team confirmed that the steps approaching the chicane on the B1280 at Station Town had been cleared. In addition the highways section is considering options in dealing with the damaged chicane.

Review of Local Government Boundaries

The Local Government Boundary Commission is currently seeking the views of the public on a review of local government boundaries across the Durham County Council administrative area:

Safety scheme at Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery:

A safety scheme intended to prevent vehicles driving along the public footpath outside the shops on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery has moved a step closer this week following a meeting with officers from the council’s regeneration section:

Park Avenue

The highways department has responded to a query about collapsible, drop-down bollards installed to prevent unauthorised vehicles driving illegally along the public footpath at Park Avenue. 

It appears the resident has misunderstood the reasons for the bollards being installed so the council has explained the background and process involved. Full details below:

Parking issues at School Avenue and Park Avenue

In relation to the item above I’ve raised a resident’s concerns about parking issues in the lane between Park Avenue and School Avenue:

Christmas Tree lighting events at Blackhall and Hesleden:

The annual Christmas Tree lighting events are due to be held at Blackhall and Hesleden at 4pm* on Monday 5 December and Tuesday 6 December respectively. Full details can be found in the link below.

*Please note that traditionally the tree lighting ceremonies are timed to fit in with the staff and children from our local schools who are an essential part of both events.

Overgrown hedges at Fillpoke Lane

Following concerns expressed by residents about the roadside verge and hedge growing into the road at the junction of Fillpoke Lane and the A1086 Coast Road I’ve asked for the overgrowth at this location to be cut back and made safe as soon as possible.

Sunday 27 November 2022

Christmas Tree lighting events at Blackhall and Hesleden

Christmas is only four weeks away and it’s almost time for Monk Hesleden Parish Council to hold its annual Christmas tree lighting events at Blackhall and Hesleden.

The Blackhall tree lighting event will take place at 4pm next Monday evening and the Hesleden event will take place the evening after.

Although 4pm might not be convenient for all our residents the Christmas tree lighting ceremonies have traditionally been held in the early evening to fit in with the staff and children of our local schools who are an essential part of both events.

Everyone is welcome so if you can please come along and join in.

Please see below for full details:

Thursday 24 November 2022

Drop-down bollards at Park Avenue: Highways team responds to a resident’s query

Earlier this month a resident contacted the highways team at Durham County Council requesting additional information about the drop-down bollards installed at Park Avenue to prevent vehicles driving along the public footpath. 

In brief summary the bollards were installed recently in response to residents’ concerns that an accident could happen if the footpath wasn’t made safe and secure against drivers using the footpath as a road. However, from the questions raised, it’s possible the resident might have misunderstood how and why the bollards were installed so the highways officer has explained the background and process in full in their response.

I was copied into the original email from the resident and I was also copied into a response from the council’s highways team which I have reproduced below in full. The resident’s and council employee’s names have been redacted.

**Complete background details on this issue (going back to April 2021) were recorded in several past articles published on these pages. Please go to the link below for those posts:

Sent on behalf of [DCC’s Strategic Highways Manager]

Dear Ms [resident]


I refer to your email dated 11th November 2022, which [DCC’s Corporate Director, Neighbourhoods and Climate Change] has asked me to respond to.


The issues of vehicles accessing properties using the footpath at Park Avenue was first highlighted in 2020 and letters were issued to those residents driving over the footpath to request that this practice was stopped.


Unfortunately residents continued to unlawfully drive over the footpath without authority and further correspondence was issued to those responsible and action was taken to install bollards to restrict access.


I have taken each of your information requests in turn and provide my response:


  1. What checks were put in place and over what period, to ensure the allegation of speeding cars was in fact true?

The issues of speeding vehicles were not highlighted as a concern from residents. The only issue reported to the Council was the driving over a public footpath to access properties.


I am not aware of any speeding issues on Park Avenue footpath.


  1. How many residents, residing in Park Avenue have been spoken to personally (this is face to face or over the telephone which I assume all calls will be recorded) please be aware I have spoken to over 80% of the residents and no one has been contacted other than by letter dictating what is happening. 

The council received numerous complaints from residents of Park Avenue concerned about vehicles using the footpath to access their properties. We do not have any recordings of telephone conversations as its council policy to not record such calls.


All residents were contacted by letter to advise of the installation of the bollards on highway safety grounds during April and September 2021 and again November 2022. 


  1. When in fact the emergency services where contacted, as I was advised by Rob Crute that emergency services gave the go ahead from their end earlier in the year, yet the letter sent by council prior to my meeting with Rob, stated that emergency services needed to be contacted, as you can imagine, these are very conflicting, so clarity would be great. 

The emergency services were initially contacted in April 2021 with regard to the installation of bollards and again in May 2022. The second consultation was to discuss the option of drop-down lockable bollards as an alternative to permanently installed bollards previously agreed.


In April 2021 when the Council notified residents that bollards were to be installed we received a challenge from a resident regarding the installation of bollards and the legal status of the public footpath.


The installation of drop-down lockable bollards is a compromise to the installation of permanently fixed bollards.



  1. What is the council going to do about park at the rear of Park Avenue, because if a resident happens to fall ill in the street, and can’t get out of their back gate due to parking, families will be holding the council responsible. 

It is a requirement for any highway user that they park in a manner that does not cause an obstruction to passing vehicles or pedestrians. Section 137 Highways Act 1980 and Rule 145 of the Highway Code all require any driver of a vehicle on the public highway to not park their vehicle in a manner that is likely to cause an obstruction. Therefore, it is incumbent on road users to comply with this legislation for the safety of all highway users.


I will consult with the **Council’s Traffic team to review parking in the area to establish whether restrictions will assist in maintaining access.


  1. How much did the unwarranted work cost the tax payer? (Please include breakdown of all costs, and if covered by a grant, who supplied the grant and how much was it for) 

A highways capital budget was used to fund the installation of the bollards. The estimate for the works is in the region of £724 plus the bollard cost. The final costs are currently being processed and I will be able to provide a breakdown of each element – plant, labour and materials when this is available.

**I asked the traffic section to take a look at the issue of problem parking at the rear of Park Avenue. Their response can be found in a separate article here:

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Safety scheme for Middle Street a step closer

Stacey and I have made progress in securing a workable scheme to prevent vehicles from driving onto the public footpath to park outside the shops in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery. 

This follows residents raising their concerns that an accident is highly likely to happen if something isn’t done to physically prevent drivers from carrying out this dangerous practice. For back ground details please see the article published on this site last week:

By way of an update on progress Stacey and I met with an officer from the council’s regeneration service earlier this week to first of all raise our concerns on behalf of residents, and also to look at which options are available to address residents fears of an accident. We were informed that because the footpath is too narrow in parts to limit problem parking without restricting access for pushchairs, prams and wheelchairs a previous scheme was considered by highways officers to be undeliverable and that another one would need to be designed.

The officer acknowledged the urgency of the situation and has agreed to arrange a site meeting to take place so that the relevant authorities can see for themselves what the main dangers are, and then install a scheme as soon as possible to eliminate the risk associated with vehicles driving on the public footpath.

Because of residents’ concerns we have asked for urgency from the council and partner agencies in dealing with this scheme, and in return we have been assured that progress will be made without any unnecessary delay. With this in mind we are hopeful that an initial site meeting will be held early next month.

I’ll update on further progress as soon as I have more information from the authorities following the site meeting, but in the meantime if you’re a car or van driver please park safely away from the shops on Middle Street if you’re able to, and in all cases please take care to avoid driving onto the public footpath.

**As mentioned in previous articles there are plenty of off-street and other locations to park safely when you’re visiting the shops and other businesses in Blackhall Colliery:

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Review of Local Government Boundaries in County Durham

The Local Government Boundary Commission is currently carrying out a review of local government boundaries across the Durham County Council administrative area. 

The Commission is now opening up its  recommendations for consultation, so if you want to have your say on the shape and size of the county council’s electoral wards in County Durham please go to the Boundary Commissions link below for full details.

This period of consultation ends on 30 January 2023.

Sunday 20 November 2022

Damaged chicane on the B1280 at Station Town

Residents in Station Town have been in touch to report that the chicane on the B1280 (Station Road) between Station Town and Wingate has once again been damaged. 

I have raised residents’ concerns with the relevant sections at the council and I’ve asked for them to consider all options in addressing once and for all the many problems associated with the chicane over the years.

I’ll update on progress as soon as I have a response from the highways department at county hall. 

While I was in Station Town this morning I noticed that the steps leading down to the chicane were covered in fallen leaves so I’ve asked the council to arrange for the pathways and steps at this location to be cleared as soon as possible.

Saturday 19 November 2022

Weekly round-up of local issues: 19 November 2022

Please follow the links below for full details of some of the issues I’ve been involved with over the past week or so: 

Replacement bus shelters at Crimdon (below) and Blackhall Colliery (above)

Remembrance Sunday at Blackhall Welfare Park

Residents’ concerns about vehicles on the public footpath at Middle Street

Parking issues at Park Avenue and School Avenue

Progress on dangerous driving and parking on Middle Street

Damaged chicane at Station Town

Highways and Footpaths

Defective footpath surfaces at the bus stop opposite the Welfare Park gates on Middle Street and at the corner of Hatherley Square have been reported to the council for inspection and repairs where necessary.

The footpaths and steps next to the B1280 in Station Town have also been reported for clearance:

The defective footpath on the corner of Hatherley Square

The raised paving stone to the top bus stop in Middle Street

The steps and footpaths on the B1280 at Station Town

Friday 18 November 2022

Next steps towards preventing vehicles driving onto public footpaths

Earlier this week I published an article on these pages about my response to residents’ concerns about vehicles driving into the public footpath to park outside the shops in Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery. Full background details can be found here:

The article was focused initially on parking outside the shops but I think it’s fair to say that the primary concern of the residents I’ve spoken to is about vehicles actually driving into and along the public footpath before straightening up to park. 

It goes without saying that any vehicle accessing a public footpath poses a potential danger to pedestrians, so I think the authorities have a duty to address those concerns. After all, they own and maintain the footpaths and have a responsibility to do whatever they can to make sure they’re kept safe for public use. 

As I mentioned in my recent article I was seeking a meeting with the relevant authorities to find a way forward in dealing with this problem. I’m pleased to say that I’ve had a positive reaction from officers from the county council who have agreed to meet with me and Stacey to see how we can revive the planned measures in the council’s Town & Villages programme designed to allay residents concerns about vehicles accessing the public footpath at this location.

I’ll update on progress - and then on next steps - after the ideas from next week’s meeting have been fully considered. 

While we’re on the subject of parking in Middle Street I’ve been contacted by a couple of residents over the past few days asking about parking facilities elsewhere in the village. Most people going to the shops and other facilities tend to park in the side streets nearby when making a quick visit. For those intending to park for longer there are sufficient spaces available for public parking at the community centre just around the corner at the bottom of Hesleden Road. 

Granted it means people may have to walk a little further but most would accept that the extra steps are worth it - if only to free up parking spaces outside the shops in Middle Street for those who need them most.

If you have any comments or queries about this matter please get in touch with us at: or at: 

Thursday 17 November 2022

Parking issues at School Avenue and Park Avenue

I've written to the council this week to raise with them the concerns of a resident about parking in the back lane between Park Avenue and School Avenue in Blackhall Colliery. 

I’ve published my correspondence in full below, and I’ll update on progress as soon as I have a response from the council and other partner agencies:

The top of the back lane between School Avenue and Park Avenue

I’ve been contacted recently by a representative of a resident in Park Avenue concerned about problem parking in the back lane between Park Avenue and School Avenue in Blackhall Colliery.

It is reported that residents at Park Avenue and their families/visitors have concerns about the volume of traffic parking in the street which they report impacts on their ability to park their own vehicles.

I'm not sure what might be done to alleviate this problem so I would be grateful if you could forward this query to the relevant section(s) at DCC for their attention, and with a request that all options are considered in addressing residents' concerns about parking at this location.

The bottom of the back lane between Park Avenue and School Avenue

Monday 14 November 2022

Illegal access to public footpaths and dangerous parking on Middle Street

As regular readers of these pages will be aware there have been a number of issues associated with vehicles driving into the public footpath and parking outside the shops on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery - with some incidents resulting in near misses for pedestrians and others using the footpath. The most recent background information can be found in the articles published previously on these pages: 

Monday 19 April 2021 and 

Saturday 11 June 2022

I spoke over the weekend to concerned resident who reported another near miss last week when a vehicle pulled onto the pavement before straightening up to park parallel to the shops. It’s reported by the person I spoke to that they were almost hit as the vehicle crossed the public footpath. 

It goes without saying that vehicles shouldn’t be allowed to drive over a public footpath so some time ago I worked alongside the parish council clerk and officers from the highways authority to draw up plans within the county council’s Towns & Villages programme which would prevent vehicles from driving fully onto the pavement or parking along the double yellow lines outside the shops. 

That scheme was endorsed, fully funded and ready to go ahead when the Tory-led Coalition currently in control of the county council decided to review the Towns & Villages programme - and then ultimately call a halt to the entire Capital Programme which would have seen measures installed in Middle Street to prevent vehicles from accessing the footpath. It was acknowledged in the scheme of course that access would still be required for delivery vehicles and those drivers who need close access to the shops.

I have written again to the council today reiterating those concerns on behalf of residents and businesses about parking and illegal access to the footpath. I’ve asked specifically for an update on what the Coalition’s plans are for the Towns and Villages programme (and the Middle Street scheme in particular) and I’ll update as soon as I have a response. 

In the meantime I’ve also asked that the council’s Parking Enforcement team gives this issue more attention in the coming weeks and months.

Sunday 13 November 2022

Remembrance Day Service at Blackhall Welfare Park

Once again there was a tremendous turnout from the Blackhall community for this year’s Remembrance Day service held at the village’s Welfare Park to honour the memory of those who served and the many who gave their lives through two world wars and other conflicts over the years. 

As in years past many of our local groups and residents came together to mark the day and to lay wreaths at the Cenotaph. It was particularly heartwarming to see so many of our children and young people at the service - some representing the Blackhall 1932 Squadron Air Training Corps (ATC) and other attending on behalf of Blackhall Colliery and St Joseph’s primary schools. The headteacher at Wellfield School also came along to lay a wreath on behalf of the school’s community. 

Many thanks go to the clerk and members of Monk Hesleden Parish Council who played a key role in organising the service of remembrance and to the chair of the council for leading the service alongside John Kidd. In addition, representatives from the Royal British Legion, Blackhall Navy Club, Blackhall RAFA and St Andrew’s church did themselves and their organisations proud. 

As ever special recognition goes to Ian Harrison for his faultless rendition of the Last Post, Reveille and the National Anthem and to Brian Drummond for the poppy and silhouette street decorations in the villages in the lead up to the event. I was honoured to lay a wreath on behalf of the staff and members of Durham County Council. 

The post-service buffet reception at Blackhall Cricket Club, funded by both local county councillors and offering the chance for residents past and present to meet up with old friends, was also very well attended. Thanks go to the members and staff at Blackhall Cricket Club for hosting the reception with their usual professionalism.

Finally, thanks go to all the residents of the Blackhall community for coming along in their numbers to mark their respects to those who gave their all for the freedoms we enjoy today.

Saturday 12 November 2022

Damaged fence behind Primrose Court removed

Earlier this week I contacted the authorities to report a fence that had collapsed into the public footpath behind Primrose Court and Bluebell Close in Blackhall Colliery. Details can be found here in a recent update of local issues:

I’m told by the council that an officer from the building control team called out to the site on the same evening to assess the extent of the damage. I subsequently received confirmation from the council that arrangements were in place to make the area clear for pedestrians.

It was further confirmed on Friday that the landowner responsible for the fencing had taken all necessary measures without delay and had made the location safe and passable ready for replacement fencing to be installed.

Replacement bus shelters at Crimdon and Blackhall Colliery

Earlier this year I published an article on these pages updating on progress with a number of environmental and highways issues in Crimdon, including a request for a bus shelter to replace the one damaged during last year’s storms. Background details can be found in this link:

In addition I asked the council if it would be possible to have seating installed at both of the bus shelters at Sawmills Avenue and outside the Lido garage in Crimdon. I’ve now received confirmation that a replacement bus shelter at the Lido garage is scheduled to be installed early next month. I’ve published below the council’s response in full:

The new bus shelter which includes a perch seat is expected to be installed on 6 December 2022. (Outside Lido Garage). 

I have also chased the possibility of installing a perch seat in the bus shelter opposite lido garage with our contractor. I will update Councillor Crute when I have more information.

I’ve also asked for an update on progress with my request for a new bus shelter opposite the Welfare Park gates on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery to replace the one destroyed earlier this year by a fire. I’ll publish the council’s response as soon as I have more information.

**UPDATE** Tuesday 15 November:

Good morning Councillor Crute, 


The replacement bus shelter opposite the Welfare Park is currently on order with our supplier, however it is expected that it will be installed in the new year.  


The new bus shelter adjacent to Lido Garage, Coast Road is currently on order and expected to be installed on the W/C 5th of December


Kind regards,  

Strategic Public Transport

Friday 11 November 2022

Update on Local Issues

Each month Monk Hesleden Parish Council holds its Environment Committee meeting in the Parish Offices on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery. I attend the meetings in my capacity as one of the two local county councillors and this gives me and members of the parish council the opportunity to share views about local issues and discuss ways of bringing about environmental improvements in and around our villages. It also gives us an opportunity to monitor progress with several ongoing issues and initiatives.

The most recent meeting took place earlier this week, on Wednesday 9 November, when a number of local issues were raised. I've selected just a few of them below for updates:

Collapsible bollards at Park Avenue footpath: despite repeated requests by the authorities to desist a handful of residents have continued to drive along the public footpath at Park Avenue to access their properties. In response the council has informed residents this week that as a last resort collapsible bollards are to be installed at both ends of the footpath to restrict access to vehicles. Full details can be found here:

Public footpaths: following concerns expressed by residents footpaths at High Hesleden and Station Road in Blackhall Rocks have been included in the council's works programme for repairs or resurfacing.

Highway resurfacing works: similarly, following concerns expressed by residents, and after a long, drawn-out campaign, the council has agreed to carry out resurfacing works at the rear of Leaholme Terrace and at Meadow Avenue. I’ve also been advised that all ‘actionable’ defects (ie potholes) were dealt with during the summer months and also that the council will continue to address any actionable defects until scheduled resurfacing works are carried out.

Fencing behind Primrose Court: a section of the fence near to the footpath behind Primrose Court and Bluebell Close collapsed earlier this week. The issue has been raised with the authorities who will contact the landowners with a request that the fence is made safe and that repairs are carried out as soon as possible: 

Derelict land in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery: there has been a long-running problem with unstable fencing on either side of a patch of derelict land in Middle Street falling into the public footpath. Partial repairs were carried out earlier this year making the fence more secure on the Middle Street side of the land. However, the fencing along the other side facing the library has been removed altogether leaving the land open to fly-tipping. This matter has been reported again to the council's planning enforcement team:

Bus shelter replacements: the bus shelter outside the Lido garage on the Coast Road in Crimdon was badly damaged following Storm Arwen towards the end of last year. I've received confirmation that a replacement shelter is scheduled to be installed early next month. I've also requested an update on plans to replace a bus shelter on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery destroyed by fire earlier this summer. Full details can be found here: 

**UPDATE** Tuesday 15 November: The public transport department has confirmed that the order for a replacement bus shelter opposite the Welfare Park gates on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery is still with the council’s suppliers. It’s estimated that the new bus shelter will be installed in the new year. 

As reported earlier the replacement bus shelter at the Lido garage in Crimdon is due to be installed early next month.

If there are any environmental issues in your area that require attention please let us know at: or