Saturday 11 June 2022

Working together to tackle local issues

As local county councillors both Stacey and I are co-opted onto the Parish Council's Environment Committee which meets monthly at the Resource Centre to monitor developments on local environmental issues and also acts as a conduit for sharing information and reporting any issues raised by members of the public - either through the parish council or through me and Stacey as the local county councillors.

The committee held it's latest monthly meeting on Wednesday evening and these are some of the issues we discussed, along with links to associated published articles where necessary: 

Overgrowth on the Gray Avenue/B1281 junction at Hesleden

Following concerns expressed by residents that overgrown trees and bushes were obscuring the view of drivers pulling into the B1281 I contacted the council to request that the overgrowth is cut back on either side of the junction.

B1281 junction with Gray Avenue in Hesleden

Parking in Middle Street

This is a long-running issue concerning drivers parking outside the shops on Middle Street and pulling into the pavement to do so. The design team has drawn up a scheme ready for installation as part of the council’s Town & Villages Fund which has been held up since last year when the Tory-led Coalition took control of the county council. I’ll update on progress as soon as I have more information from the council.

Footpaths (High Hesleden & Blackhall Rocks)

The section of damaged pathway between The Elms and the Black Path at High Hesleden is included in the current works programme for repair. And the worn and damaged footpath at Station Road in Blackhall Rocks has been reported for inspection and repair where necessary: 

Damaged footpath at Station Road, Blackhall Rocks

Pathway on B1281 at St Joseph's

Soil piled up against the boundary fence behind Orchid Court on the B1281 is reported to have slipped into the pavement causing a slipping hazard. This has been reported to the authorities for their attention:

Untidy pavement on the B1281 in Blackhall Colliery

Seagull PH

Having fallen into a state of disrepair the site of the former Seagull public house in Crimdon was reported to the council’s planning enforcement team for investigation. I received an update from the team earlier this week that the owners of the building had carried out repairs to make it secure against trespass.

Hedge/Fence behind Bluebell Close & Primrose Court

The leaning fence and tree branches overhanging the pathway been reported to the authorities for their attention. It is understood the landowner has been made aware and will arrange for the overgrown bushes to be cut back as soon as possible:

Overhanging bushes at the pathway behind Bluebell Close

Land opposite Blackhall Library

The derelict land on Middle Street has been an issue for some years. Following high winds last year the planning enforcement team was asked to contact the landowner with a request they make the perimeter fencing secure. Work has now started on site and the fencing along the Middle Street side has been made secure. 

Bollards on Middle Street

The damaged bollards were reported for replacement earlier this year, and following additional damage shortly afterwards I asked for additional replacement bollards. I am advised that the highways section is awaiting a supply of bollards before replacement works are carried out:

Bollards on Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery

Trees at Coronation Avenue

Following complaints that overhanging trees and bushes at the front of Coronation Avenue were damaging vehicles as they passed by the authorities have contacted the owner/operator of the Esso service station with a request that the overhanging branches are cut back:

Trees and bushes growing over the road at Coronation Avenue

Pavement at Blackhall Rocks picnic area

I’ve asked the highways and clean and green teams to inspect the pathway between the Blackhall Rocks picnic area and the railway bridge at the bottom of Station Road and carry out repairs where required. Full details here:

Damaged pathway at the Blackhall Rocks picnic area

Update on reports of vermin in Blackhall Colliery and Hesleden

Stacey is dealing with reports of vermin spotted by residents in the lane behind Front Street in Hesleden, and I’ve been dealing with a rat infestation at Fourth Street in Blackhall Colliery. Full details and background story can be found here:

Food waste left in the street where residents reported a rat infestation

In relation to the infestation problem mentioned above I also received several complaints from residents about bins abandoned in the streets, often for weeks and months at a time. It seemed likely that rubbish in these bins was attracting vermin so the authority was asked to remove bins where necessary, and return others to their owners where possible:

Bins abandoned in the lane between Sixth and Seventh Streets