Saturday 12 November 2022

Replacement bus shelters at Crimdon and Blackhall Colliery

Earlier this year I published an article on these pages updating on progress with a number of environmental and highways issues in Crimdon, including a request for a bus shelter to replace the one damaged during last year’s storms. Background details can be found in this link:

In addition I asked the council if it would be possible to have seating installed at both of the bus shelters at Sawmills Avenue and outside the Lido garage in Crimdon. I’ve now received confirmation that a replacement bus shelter at the Lido garage is scheduled to be installed early next month. I’ve published below the council’s response in full:

The new bus shelter which includes a perch seat is expected to be installed on 6 December 2022. (Outside Lido Garage). 

I have also chased the possibility of installing a perch seat in the bus shelter opposite lido garage with our contractor. I will update Councillor Crute when I have more information.

I’ve also asked for an update on progress with my request for a new bus shelter opposite the Welfare Park gates on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery to replace the one destroyed earlier this year by a fire. I’ll publish the council’s response as soon as I have more information.

**UPDATE** Tuesday 15 November:

Good morning Councillor Crute, 


The replacement bus shelter opposite the Welfare Park is currently on order with our supplier, however it is expected that it will be installed in the new year.  


The new bus shelter adjacent to Lido Garage, Coast Road is currently on order and expected to be installed on the W/C 5th of December


Kind regards,  

Strategic Public Transport