Sunday 6 March 2022

Hesleden Pit Heap - A Timeline of Developments

A couple of weeks ago I published details on these pages of a planning application received by the council seeking consent to extend the time allowed to remove spoil from the pit heap in Hesleden.

Since then Stacey and I have liaised between the planning office, the developer and the community to make sure our residents have all the information they need to reach a fully informed opinion on the proposals set out in the application prior to another public meeting to be held at Hesleden WMC at 6.30pm on Wednesday 16 March to enable residents to put any questions to the developer and the planning case officer. Full details here:

In addition to that information I thought it might be helpful to bring together in one place all the salient articles published on this site since the original planning application to remove the spoil heap was first submitted to the council back in 2013. 

Please see details below, set out in chronological order:

Thursday 12 December 2013: the developers seeking permission to remove the spoil heap holds a public meeting to gauge the feelings of the community:

Wednesday 2 April 2014: the county council receives a planning application from the developers:

Wednesday 9 April 2014: I raise initial concerns on behalf of residents:

Tuesday 29 April 2014: I formally submit objections to the planning office on behalf of residents:

Saturday 31 May 2014: an update on progress:

Wednesday 6 January 2016: plans to remove spoil from the pit heap are approved:

Thursday 3 November 2016: details of the Public Right of Way (access track) closure:  

Wednesday 4 January 2017: junction improvements at Gray Avenue:

Wednesday 22 February 2017: an update on progress:

Thursday 12 October 2017: monitor and update report published:

Saturday 25 November 2017: notification that works are due to commence:

Thursday 20 September 2018: reports of dust issues throughout the village:

Thursday 21 February 2019: footpath closure extension:

Sunday 21 July 2019: first planning application received to extend time allowed to remove spoil from the pit heap:

Tuesday 22 February 2022: second planning application received to extend time allowed to remove spoil from the pit heap:

Monday 28 February 2022: personal report on the first public meeting arranged by residents:

Friday 4 March 2022: details published of the Community Liaison Committee set up by the developers to maintain links with the community throughout the period of the first planning application: