Thursday 21 February 2019

Hesleden Footpath #24

The council recently received notification from the developer removing spoil from the former pit heap site in Hesleden indicating that an extension to the closure period of the Haswell to Hart footpath to the end of February 2020 may be needed to allow for completion of mineral removal and remedial works at the site.

Please note the details in the email thread below. Although nothing is confirmed at this stage I will monitor the position and update on significant developments as they arise:

From: Cllr Rob Crute <>
Good morning,

Thanks for the notification of the request. I note that the extension of the footpath closure could possibly take the scheduled works to a point in time beyond that agreed in the original planning application. Before I comment I would need clarification from Chris Shields in the planning section on whether there would be any implications in planning terms or any requirement on the developer to consult with residents.
I would be grateful if you could advise on the points raised above.

Dear Cllr Crute
The site has permission for extraction of the combustible material until January 2020 so the footpath closure would extend beyond this time. However, it has been noted in the site monitoring reports that the site is behind in terms of coal extraction and it may be the case that they need to apply for an extension of time.  

This hasn’t happened yet and I expect they are trying to get a better idea of production in the next few months to see if they can finish within the approved timescales. If an extension is required then this would be done through a planning application with full public consultation.

Chris Shields
Senior Planning Officer