Tuesday 7 May 2013

2013 Durham County Council election

Labour steals show - Local - Peterlee Star

I'm back after a week long break to accommodate the local election campaign which ended at the polls on Thursday 2 May with an election victory across the villages of East Durham for the Labour Party. 

In the Blackhall division of Durham County Council both of the Labour Party candidates, Lynn Pounder and yours truly, ran out convincing winners after a strong response to our campaign (see local press link above):

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped with the election campaign, and in particular the regular readers of these pages. Your constant support and interest in our community and its people is very much appreciated.

I now look forward to working alongside Lynn and the residents of the Blackhall division over the next four years. 

As ever, I look forward to your comments. Your involvement and feedback is very much valued.