Wednesday 30 November 2022

Hesleden pit heap update

Regular readers of these pages will know that Stacey and I have been actively involved with residents for some time in representing their views on the developers’ plans to extend the time allowed to remove spoil from the pit heap in Hesleden. 

Background details to this issue can be found at this link which includes additional links to several related articles dating back almost 10 years:

Following contact with the planning case officer earlier this week regarding a resident’s query we received an update on the timeframe involved in the developers’ planning application being put before the planning committee for a decision. The case officer’s update is published below in full: 

Dear Cllrs Crute and Deinali

Thank you for your e-mails and for passing on the comments from the local community.  We are currently discussing alternative options for the restoration of the site with the operator.

The next available County Planning Committee would be 7 February 2023, however we cannot confirm if an application will be considered on this date until the agenda is published.  Residents who have commented on the application will be made aware of arrangements in advance of the Committee date.


We’ll find out what the implications might be of any ‘alternative options’ and post an update when we have a response. In the meantime please make use of the time available before the committee date to let the council know what you think about this development. Apart from a couple of Hesleden residents we’ve heard very little from the wider community so if you have any comments or queries about this development - or its impact on the community - please make your voice heard. 

Whatever your personal viewpoint or opinion you can submit your comments by using the contact details in this link: