Monday 19 April 2021

Parking in Middle Street

Last week when reporting a damaged waste bin in Middle Street I shared an image on social media which prompted complaints about parking outside the main shopping area. I have since been contacted by other residents expressing similar concerns.

It’s understandable that residents and businesses become irate about dangerous and inconsiderate parking directly outside the shops, especially at peak times and when there is sufficient off-street parking nearby and easily accessible public parking facilities at the nearby community centre car park on Hesleden Road.

I’ve written earlier about plans in the council’s Towns and Villages Investment Plan for a scheme to limit inconsiderate and dangerous parking at this location (please see post dated Wednesday 10 February 2021 for background details to the Towns and Villages Initiative Those plans are progressing through the system and it’s expected that a workable scheme will be agreed soon.

However, in the meantime I’ve contacted the parking enforcement team again with an additional request for an increased presence at this location (I had already requested an enforcement presence elsewhere on Middle Street following complaints from residents a few weeks ago). I’ve now received a response from the service confirming that Middle Street will be added to the enforcement request list and that an additional request has been added alerting enforcement officers to the severity of parking issues at this location.