Friday 18 November 2022

Next steps towards preventing vehicles driving onto public footpaths

Earlier this week I published an article on these pages about my response to residents’ concerns about vehicles driving into the public footpath to park outside the shops in Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery. Full background details can be found here:

The article was focused initially on parking outside the shops but I think it’s fair to say that the primary concern of the residents I’ve spoken to is about vehicles actually driving into and along the public footpath before straightening up to park. 

It goes without saying that any vehicle accessing a public footpath poses a potential danger to pedestrians, so I think the authorities have a duty to address those concerns. After all, they own and maintain the footpaths and have a responsibility to do whatever they can to make sure they’re kept safe for public use. 

As I mentioned in my recent article I was seeking a meeting with the relevant authorities to find a way forward in dealing with this problem. I’m pleased to say that I’ve had a positive reaction from officers from the county council who have agreed to meet with me and Stacey to see how we can revive the planned measures in the council’s Town & Villages programme designed to allay residents concerns about vehicles accessing the public footpath at this location.

I’ll update on progress - and then on next steps - after the ideas from next week’s meeting have been fully considered. 

While we’re on the subject of parking in Middle Street I’ve been contacted by a couple of residents over the past few days asking about parking facilities elsewhere in the village. Most people going to the shops and other facilities tend to park in the side streets nearby when making a quick visit. For those intending to park for longer there are sufficient spaces available for public parking at the community centre just around the corner at the bottom of Hesleden Road. 

Granted it means people may have to walk a little further but most would accept that the extra steps are worth it - if only to free up parking spaces outside the shops in Middle Street for those who need them most.

If you have any comments or queries about this matter please get in touch with us at: or at: