Sunday 13 November 2022

Remembrance Day Service at Blackhall Welfare Park

Once again there was a tremendous turnout from the Blackhall community for this year’s Remembrance Day service held at the village’s Welfare Park to honour the memory of those who served and the many who gave their lives through two world wars and other conflicts over the years. 

As in years past many of our local groups and residents came together to mark the day and to lay wreaths at the Cenotaph. It was particularly heartwarming to see so many of our children and young people at the service - some representing the Blackhall 1932 Squadron Air Training Corps (ATC) and other attending on behalf of Blackhall Colliery and St Joseph’s primary schools. The headteacher at Wellfield School also came along to lay a wreath on behalf of the school’s community. 

Many thanks go to the clerk and members of Monk Hesleden Parish Council who played a key role in organising the service of remembrance and to the chair of the council for leading the service alongside John Kidd. In addition, representatives from the Royal British Legion, Blackhall Navy Club, Blackhall RAFA and St Andrew’s church did themselves and their organisations proud. 

As ever special recognition goes to Ian Harrison for his faultless rendition of the Last Post, Reveille and the National Anthem and to Brian Drummond for the poppy and silhouette street decorations in the villages in the lead up to the event. I was honoured to lay a wreath on behalf of the staff and members of Durham County Council. 

The post-service buffet reception at Blackhall Cricket Club, funded by both local county councillors and offering the chance for residents past and present to meet up with old friends, was also very well attended. Thanks go to the members and staff at Blackhall Cricket Club for hosting the reception with their usual professionalism.

Finally, thanks go to all the residents of the Blackhall community for coming along in their numbers to mark their respects to those who gave their all for the freedoms we enjoy today.