Monday 23 April 2012

Traffic in High Hesleden

I have received a complaint recently about traffic in High Hesleden, specifically on the section of road between the Fillpoke Lane junction and The Bungalows.

There is a tight bend here where visibility is limited and there are concerns that traffic heading in either direction is potentially in danger of colliding with traffic approaching on the opposite side of the carriageway.

If I am to persuade the council to install any form of traffic calming measure here I think it is important that a clear case for highway works can be proven and that I can also demonstrate the full support of the community for any proposed scheme.

I have contacted the police and the highways department at the county council to ask that a traffic survey be carried out at this location to ascertain the level of risk. I have also asked the police to review the incident history of the area to identify the number of accidents at this spot. This will point to whether safety measures are needed in this area and, if so, which type. At this stage all options will remain open for consideration.

In the meantime, if you have any issues to raise regarding this matter please get in touch with me.