Wednesday 6 July 2022

Traffic accident on the B1280 Station Road in Station Town

Stacey and I have been made aware of a potentially serious traffic accident yesterday afternoon on the B1280 on Station Road in Station Town.

I’ve contacted the highways department at county hall and the traffic management office at Durham police to ask that we are kept informed of the outcome to any investigation into the accident and that we are also made aware of any recommended safety measures to prevent any further incidents at this location. We will work with the police and local authority to do everything we can to reduce the risk of further incidents at this location.

We will update on progress as soon as we receive a response from the police and county council:

Good morning ****, ****,

I’ve just been made aware that a reportedly serious multi-vehicle collision has taken place yesterday at or near the pinch-point on the approach to Station Town from Wingate (see email thread below).

As officers in the traffic section will be aware from previous concerns expressed by residents and local members the pinch-point, and this stretch of road in particular, has been something of an issue for a number of years.

However, I don’t wish to make assumptions until the facts are known so could you confirm please that Stacey and I will be kept up to date with the outcome of investigations, and especially with regard to any potential remedial measures recommended to prevent further incidents at this location.

I’ve copied in Peterlee police and the traffic management officer for their attention and response. The clerk of HHPC is cc’d for information.