Monday 30 April 2012

Funding Secured for Blackhall CAB

I was contacted recently by the chief executive of the Citizens' Advice Bureau (CAB) who expressed concerns over a shortfall in funding for the CAB outreach service at Blackhall library for the coming year.

I met last week with officers from the East Durham Area Action Partnership to discuss all available options and I can now confirm that I have arranged a funding contribution of £3,000 from the Neighbourhood Budget to continue the CAB service in Blackhall for 2012-2013.

I believe the CAB provides an essential service and I think that the outreach in Blackhall (and elsewhere) is needed more now than ever before because of the government's savage austerity measures which are having a devastating effect on benefits, jobs and public services in our community.

Please visit the library for details of the CAB outreach service at Blackhall or go to: and follow the links to find your local CAB outreach.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Wind Farm Objections - Campaign Update

In order to monitor progress with the wind farm campaign I recently requested an update report from the planning department at the county council. The report, which I received today, illustrates the level of opposition to the proposed wind farm at Sheraton.

The notable submission from the statutory consultees section confirms that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has now objected to the proposal on grounds of interference with aircraft radar systems. The MoD refers to recent trials (in 2005) which concluded that "wind turbines can have detrimental effects on the operation of radar." They go on to state that as a result "the RAF would not be able to provide a full air surveillance service in the area of the proposed wind farm." Durham Tees Valley airport recently objected to the planning application for similar reasons.

In terms of the public consultation exercise, 49 submissions have been received by the planning department and all express opposition to the wind farm. In addition all four affected parish councils in the area have now formally objected. My personal letter of objection is published elsewhere on this site (3 April 2012).

This level of opposition can be attributed directly to the campaign I organised, along with members of the Residents' Association at Castle Eden and Monk Hesleden Parish Council, to coordinate community objections to a planning application which offers no discernible benefit to our communities.

If you have concerns about the proposed wind farm, please let me know or, if you prefer, contact the planning department at Durham County Council. Details are available on the DCC website or on related blogs on this site.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Blackhall Rocks & Crimdon Issues

1. Dogs at Blackhall Rocks: 
I have received reports from residents recently about uncontrolled dogs at the Blackhall Rocks estate, some of which are running loose and some roaming free in the yards of properties when postal workers are delivering mail.

This has resulted in a number of attacks on postal workers and residents are understandably concerned that this may have an impact on future postal deliveries and also potentially lead to attacks on children and other people on the estate.

I have contacted the police, neighbourhood wardens and East Durham Homes officers to ask that they work together with the private sector office at Durham County Council to address this problem. As ever the Blackhall Rocks Residents' Association has played a key role in raising the profile of this issue.

Public safety is the overriding issue here and I think it is important that everyone plays a part in finding a solution which is acceptable to workers, residents and dog owners alike.

If you are aware of any similar issues elsewhere in the area please let me know.

2. Replacement Bus Shelter at Blackhall Rocks: 
The highways department at county hall has contacted me today to tell me that the replacement bus shelter is to be ordered this week. This is to replace the one burned out in March.

Officers felt that the seats in the new shelter should not be replaced as they were reported to be to blame for the fire which destroyed the old shelter. I have insisted that unless this can be proved the seats must remain. 

My information at the time suggested that the fire was started by debris being pushed behind the shelter and then ignited. For this reason I have asked that the replacement shelter be attached directly onto the existing wall if this can be done safely and securely. The use of solid black panels (instead of glass) is proposed for the back of the shelter to hide the fire-blackened wall.

I will closely monitor this issue to ensure the best possible result for residents and bus users from Blackhall Rocks but in the meantime please let me know if you have any comments.

3. Road Markings at Crimdon: 
Last week I was informed that there had been a few near accidents at Crimdon because of worn road markings at the Seagull junction.

I contacted the highways department at the county council and they have confirmed today that the "Give Way" sign at the junction has now been replaced and also that the lining contractor has been alerted and the road markings will be reinstated at the earliest opportunity.

Please let me know of any road sign or marking issues in the area and I'll make whichever arrangements are necessary.

Monday 23 April 2012

Traffic in High Hesleden

I have received a complaint recently about traffic in High Hesleden, specifically on the section of road between the Fillpoke Lane junction and The Bungalows.

There is a tight bend here where visibility is limited and there are concerns that traffic heading in either direction is potentially in danger of colliding with traffic approaching on the opposite side of the carriageway.

If I am to persuade the council to install any form of traffic calming measure here I think it is important that a clear case for highway works can be proven and that I can also demonstrate the full support of the community for any proposed scheme.

I have contacted the police and the highways department at the county council to ask that a traffic survey be carried out at this location to ascertain the level of risk. I have also asked the police to review the incident history of the area to identify the number of accidents at this spot. This will point to whether safety measures are needed in this area and, if so, which type. At this stage all options will remain open for consideration.

In the meantime, if you have any issues to raise regarding this matter please get in touch with me.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Durham Big Meeting

Durham Big Meeting (The Miners' Gala) will be held on Saturday 14 July this year.

12 weeks might seem a long way off at the moment but time flies and preparations have already started for this year's event.

The Kirkbymoorside Town Band has loyally supported the Blackhall Lodge banner for many years and has been booked again for 2012. I have arranged transport for the day on behalf of the Blackhall Banner Committee and I am currently working with the county council to secure funding for the coaches.

The Big Meeting is the main event of the year for many in our community and it is growing in popularity each year so now is the time to consider your plans for the day.

As well as the Banner Committee, the lads from The Hardwick also provide transport to Durham on the day but it's vital that you book your seats soon as places are limited on a first-come, first-served basis.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Tax-dodging millionaires pay less than their cleaners

Tax-dodging millionaires pay less than than their cleaners - Morning Star

Read the link above.

It should come as no great surprise that this kind of unfairness is widespread (and even encouraged) in Tory/LibDem Britain.

Monday 16 April 2012

Scheme Houses Play Area

This afternoon I met on site with the clerk to the parish council and an officer from the county council highways department to look at ways of making the field around the scheme houses play area safer for children.

I have received complaints for some time about vehicles driving across the grass to access properties at Coleridge Avenue and residents were concerned about the safety of children using the play area in the middle of the green. The field is owned and maintained by the parish council.

It has been suggested that a short fence be put up around the field, replacing the existing concrete and metal fence which is rusted, broken and unsightly. It is hoped that this will physically prevent vehicles driving near to the play area and at the same time make the area more attractive.

Residents at Coleridge Avenue and Chaucer Avenue will receive a letter soon from the parish council setting out the proposals for the fencing scheme but in the meantime I would welcome the views of anyone with an interest in this matter.

Friday 13 April 2012

Surrender or Fight Back? One year later, which approach is better?

‘Let’s focus on the future’ - Hartlepool Mail

One year ago the Hartlepool Mail reported that many services were under threat in our communities due to coalition government cuts.

One of our county councillors chose to appear in the Mail to bemoan our fate and tell everyone that there was no future for our villages: "Blackhall is already at the bottom of the pecking order" he moaned. No positive action was proposed or offered.

The other county councillor however decided to organise and fight back and that's why today we have an established youth drop-in service at the Welfare Park, a thriving new Neighbourhood Group in Station Town, a popular play area at Blackhall Rocks and a busy library in Blackhall Colliery with an assured future.

Which approach do you think was the most effective - a public declaration of defeat, or an effective community fightback?

....and which councillor do you think took a stand, and which ran scared?

Our communities need action and leadership, not defeatism and surrender!

Read the Hartlepool Mail article by clicking on the link at the top of this post.

Re-open A&E at Hartlepool!

Hartlepool Mail

This disturbing article in the Hartlepool Mail is just the latest example of the shambles left in the wake of the NHS Trust's decision to close the A&E department at Hartlepool hospital.

How many times does this have to happen before the Trust realises that lives are being put at risk by their dangerous and unjustified actions?

Thursday 12 April 2012

Monthly Activities Update – April 2012


CAB Funding: I have received a request for funding from the Citizens Advice Bureau to ensure that an outreach advice surgery can continue at Blackhall Library. Following a breakdown of outreach figures received from the chief officer it is confirmed that there were a total of 45 CAB sessions in Blackhall which, due to central government cuts, will require additional funding to ensure a fortnightly session for the coming year. Having sought advice on revenue funding from the Area Action Partnership (AAP) I have agreed to contribute the funding requested to ensure that this service continues to be provided at Blackhall Library for 2012-2013.
Hesleden Dene: Following further reports from residents in Hesleden regarding workmen at Hesleden Dene (see previous reports) I contacted the planning section at county hall to request they follow up this matter with the company involved. It has been confirmed that the company is currently considering planning consent to develop the site but that this will involve the completion of a number of assessments over the coming months. This process has halted current activity and also explains the presence of workers on site. I have asked the planning section to monitor the situation to ensure that no excavation can take place during the planning process and also to ensure that the site is reinstated to its former condition following completion of works if permission is granted.
Blackhall Rocks Picnic Area: I met recently with officers from the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership and the Limestone Landscapes Project to discuss proposals for environmental improvements to the picnic area at Blackhall Rocks. I expressed reservations regarding proposals to issue a traffic prohibition order and I have suggested that they submit any detailed development proposals to the public for consultation. I advised them to contact the Parish council clerk to facilitate this. I have also asked that any proposals be monitored through the Parish Environment Committee to ensure correct public engagement. Following further discussions with the Partnership it is understood that they have now withdrawn the plan to issue a traffic prohibition order at Deadman's Bank due to concerns over public access.
Hesleden Landscape Scheme: I recently received complaints from residents in Hesleden regarding the former garage site at Hillcrest Place and Harold Wilson Drive in Hesleden. Most concerns are around the safety of children playing in the area, particularly on the remaining fenced wall at the top of the site. I met recently with officers from the county council and residents to discuss a way to make the area safe and I have subsequently requested a number of costed options to be put to residents. These include a plan for replacement fencing and proposals to remove the fencing and wall entirely to enable the slope to be landscaped into the former garage site. Once I have received estimates for these proposals I will ensure that residents have every opportunity to express their preference prior to any works commencing.
Blackhall Rocks Bus Shelter: The bus shelter at Coast View, Blackhall Rocks was burned out on Saturday 17 March. I immediately made contact with the relevant departments at county hall to ensure that the area was cleared and made safe as soon as possible. On the following Monday morning I contacted officers in the transport section at county hall who assured me that a replacement shelter was ordered and should be erected within 6 to 8 weeks. I also contacted the police, wardens and PCSO on the Monday to urge that every effort be made to identify the people responsible for the arson which could have had much more serious consequences if the wind direction had turned the fire towards the bungalows nearby. This matter has been raised at the Community Forum (PACT) meeting held on Wednesday 11 April.
Sheraton Wind Farm Objection Letter: I have submitted a letter of opposition to the planning department at county hall regarding EDF-ER's proposals for a 5 turbine wind farm at Sheraton (see previous reports).
Blackhall Welfare Park: Following reports of anti-social behaviour at the Welfare Park I have contacted the PCSO and street wardens to alert them to the potential for a further escalation of the problem if not addressed immediately. I have asked that the Parks and Facilities manager be given a direct telephone number for the wardens in the event of a future recurrence and the issue has been discussed at the Community Forum meeting on 11 April.
Seventh Street, Blackhall: I have received complaints from residents and a number of businesses in the area around Seventh Street regarding anti-social behaviour. I contacted the street wardens and the PCSO to ask that they give the area sustained attention over the coming days and weeks to limit the potential for an escalation of a problem we had to address last year in the same area. Again, this issue has been discussed at the Community Forum meeting to ensure a coordinated approach.
Parliamentary Boundary Consultation: The current round of public consultation regarding the Boundary Commission for England (BCE) review of parliamentary boundaries closed on 3 April. To encourage greater public participation I attended the coffee morning at Blackhall Library to talk to those present about the BCE proposals and also the submissions made by the main political parties and the impact of each on our community. The BCE will now consider all responses received and make further (possibly altered) recommendations in the autumn to be followed by a further 8 week period of public consultation. I also met with the Easington MP Grahame Morris and Barry Chambers from Blackhall Labour Party to discuss the BCE proposals.
Skate Park Petition (Blackhall Youth Project): Progress continues with the joint project to ensure youth provision is prioritised in our community. A petition has been submitted to the parish council requesting a skate park in the Blackhall area. Following discussions at the Youth Project Group and the parish clerk I have since contacted the lead petitioners to agree a way forward in addressing their needs. I have suggested that the petition request be coordinated by the Youth Group and that the petitioners be invited to a future meeting to discuss all options. Whilst I have urged that we need to be realistic in considering these options I have suggested that nothing be ruled out at this stage to ensure full community engagement.
Fly-tipping at Blackhall Rocks and Blackhall Industrial Estate: I have received reports from residents at Attlee Avenue and Ocean View at Blackhall Rocks of litter accumulations and fly-tipping at the open field to the rear of their properties. I have contacted staff at Envirocall to request that the area be cleared and monitored. I have also asked that further works be carried out to clear collections of rubbish at the pathway to the rear of the Hackworth Road Industrial Estate in Blackhall Colliery. This follows contact recently with the owners of the industrial estate to ask that they contact tenants to remind them of their responsibility to keep the estate safe and clear from debris.
Hesleden Bus Shelter: Following a recent estate inspection in Hesleden with Dave Carr from the parish council and a representative from East Durham Homes I reported broken windows and damage to the frame at the bus stop at White Crescent/Myra Avenue in Hesleden. It has now been confirmed that repair works will begin this week (w/c 9 April).

If you would like further information on any of these issues please contact me either by posting a comment on this blog or by sending an email to:

Library Consultation - Have your Say

Libraries are to stay open - Hartlepool Mail

Following the announcement in January that Blackhall library is to remain open as a result of a community campaign led by Cllr Rob Crute (see Hartlepool Mail article) Durham County Council is now consulting the public on how they wish to shape their library service.

The consultation periods ends on 4 May 2012 so if you value your local library and would like to have your say on the services it provides please take part.

All details are on the Durham County Council website.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Community Forum

There will be a meeting of the Community Forum (formerly the PACT) at the Blackhall Resource Centre at 6pm tomorrow (Wednesday 11 April).

The Community Forum gives you the opportunity to raise any community issues you might have directly with the police, PCSO and street wardens. I will also be in attendance to address any matters of interest to the county council.

These issues might include, amongst others, any concerns you have with anti social behaviour, fly tipping, street cleaning or other environmental matters. Those of pressing concern will be dealt with as priorities for the coming month by the relevant agencies to ensure a fully coordinated approach in addressing that particular issue.

If you have any concerns or issues you want to talk about but are unable to attend please let me know and I'll raise them on your behalf and keep you informed of progress. Alternatively if you want to talk about any council or community issue in confidence just let me know using the contact details on this site.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Monthly Activities Update - March 2012

Durham County Council

March 2012

Sheraton Wind Farm: following preliminary meetings with planners and representatives from the three affected parish councils in Monk Hesleden, Castle Eden & Hutton Henry I have arranged a public engagement event to be held in Hesleden Community Centre on 20 March 2012. The purpose of the event is to raise public awareness of the impact of the wind farm and to encourage residents to put their objections in writing to the planning section at DCC. I have forged strong links with residents in the communities affected, including in the Hartlepool area at Hart and Greatham.
Blackhall Youth Project: the youth engagement project goes from strength to strength. I arranged a meeting between representatives from One Point at DCC and the parish council clerk and manager of the Blackhall Community Association. The purpose of the meeting was to clarify the role of the One Point service in providing outreach and detached youth work in Blackhall. Good progress was made and the youth group continues to coordinate all youth work across the parish area in conjunction with the three primary schools and other providers.
Boundary Commission for England: following the first round of public consultation which ended in December 2011 the BCE has now published the initial submissions it received for further public comment. It is essential that as many people as possible write to the BCE to make clear their concerns over proposals from the main political parties to transfer the communities of the Blackhall county division into the Hartlepool constituency. The first round of consultation was disappointing in terms of the number of submissions from the Blackhall area so I think it is vital that the BCE is made aware of our position on the review proposals.
NEAS Changes: I was at a meeting of the Health Committee at Durham County Council last week at which changes were announced to ambulance services in the North East Ambulance Service area. The main proposals are built around a net loss of rapid response vehicles (RRV's) to be replaced by a net increase in intermediate tier urgent care vehicles (UCV's). I expressed my concern to NEAS representatives, suggesting that replacing RRV's with UCV's was similar in effect to closing down A&E departments and replacing them with walk-in centres. I also suggested that an increased demand for ambulances and associated response times was directly related to the A&E closure at Hartlepool and that there could be issues of safety to address. NEAS agreed that there was scope for closer attention and that the changes would be monitored closely and would remain subject to review.
Hartlepool Hospital: I have held a further meeting with senior officers and members from the Health Committee at DCC to suggest that the scrutiny function at county hall ought to intervene directly in the ongoing campaign to retain services at Hartlepool hospital (UHH). As an interim measure it was agreed that services at the One Life Centre at Hartlepool, which was set up to replace A&E, would be closely monitored and compared to the former A&E department to enable evidence to be collated with which to challenge the NHS Trust on the impact of A&E closure in Hartlepool and East Durham.
Airlie House: Durham County Council has received a planning application seeking to change the use of Airlie House to a hair and beauty salon at ground floor level with associated residential use on the first floor. If you wish to comment on the proposal the planning application number is: PL/5/2012/0035.
Blackhall Rocks Pathway: I made further contact last week with the estates section at DCC regarding the existing pathway between Elizabeth Street and Mickle Hill Road at Blackhall Rocks. Staff from the estates section will liaise with the owner of Londis shop adjacent to the path to address land ownership issues and seek to bring the pathway up to a decent standard of repair and enable safe public use. Any works or changes proposed to the pathway will be subject to full consultation with nearby residents.
Dog Fouling: there has been significant success in the initial measures taken with the wardens to address dog fouling in the area. The joint approach by me and the parish council clerk has tackled problems in the area around the primary school at Ninth Street and at West Avenue. Wardens have since moved onto the Scheme Houses and East Street areas and are now to patrol the main shopping area in Middle Street. As ever vigilance is the watchword and we must not be complacent as these problems tend to recur if ignored.
Environmental Issues: I have taken action in relation to environmental problems at
  • Breathless (the former British Legion)
  • Navy Club bridge
  • Coleridge Avenue
  • Hackworth Road trading estate (flytipping) and in relation to
  • Horses tethered at the beach banks.

If you would like further information please contact me on:

07827 232 289

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Letter of Objection - Sheraton Wind Farm

Planning Application Reference CMA/5/31
5 Wind turbine generators at Sheraton for EDF-ER

 I object to the above named planning application for the reasons stated below:
  • Visual Impact: I feel that the visual impact of the turbines on the people and the communities I represent will be significant and unacceptable. It is considered that the residents of Hesleden, Castle Eden and Hutton Henry in particular will suffer loss of amenity as a result. It is felt by the people in the communities within my electoral division that the proposed development is entirely inappropriate and undermines the openness of the area.
  • Cumulative Impact: I consider that the area I represent has reached saturation point in terms of approvals for wind farm planning applications. The residents of the communities identified above will in effect be surrounded by wind farms if this present application is approved. Significantly, I feel there is no clearly defined benefit for the people of these communities.
  • Ecological Issues: I fear there will be a detrimental and irreversible effect on wildlife at the site identified for the development. The potential impact on coastal and inland birds is well documented and deemed unacceptable (I note the objection submitted by CPRE). I have local knowledge that brown hares, bat roosts and badger setts exist at the proposed site. It is of considerable concern that these matters receive limited recognition in the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted by the applicant. The concerns documented above are compounded by the potential impact of infrastructure development on Hart Bog which is recognised as a SSSI and the potential for drainage problems here in future.
  • Public Health Issues: I am concerned about the potential impact that noise nuisance and shadow flicker will have on the health of residents local to the wind farm site once constructed. I have further concerns about the risk posed by displaced ice from blades on residents and passers-by. It is recognised that the development site is surrounded by public footpaths and bridleways which are well used by locals and visitors alike.
  • Aviation Issues: I share the concerns of the owners of Durham Tees Valley Airport (Peel) in relation to the impact of the wind turbines on the technical equipment associated with passenger and freight aircraft on the flight path above the development.
  • Local Business: I have received objections from local businesses concerned about the impact of the closure of footpaths and roads during the construction period and the long term effects of the wind farm (as identified above).

I can confirm that, apart from holding a series of public meetings to gauge public opinion, I have met with residents, all local parish councils, residents' associations and other interested parties within my county ward and I have yet to receive any positive support for the planning application submitted by EDF/ER.
On a personal level, whilst recognising the need for sustainable development and renewable and reliable energy sources, I feel that wind generated power is inefficient, ineffective, expensive to the public purse in terms of subsidy and incapable of meeting energy requirements when they are needed – it is intermittent.
Consequently, I object in the strongest terms to an application for a development which neither meets the needs of local residents nor proves to be beneficial in any way to the people and communities within my electoral division.

Councillor Rob Crute
Blackhall Division
Durham County Council

Monday 2 April 2012

Landscape Improvements in Hesleden

Following a number of complaints from residents in Hesleden about the condition of the former garage site at Hillcrest Place and Harold Wilson Drive I have asked the environmental coordinators at the county council to come up with a few options for improvement.

Most of the resident's concerns are in relation to the safety of the wall and fencing across the top of the site, and also about the poor general condition of the surface covering. I held a meeting on site recently with council environmental officers to consider a way forward.

The initial investigations appear to suggest two options:

Option 1: Replacement fencing or

Option 2: Removal of the wall and fence, with the area to be graded and landscaped.

Option 2 is my personal preference but once I have an indication of the costs for each I will make sure that residents have every opportunity to have their say before any works are carried out.

In the meantime, please contact me if you have any queries or comments in relation to this matter.