Thursday 12 April 2012

Monthly Activities Update – April 2012


CAB Funding: I have received a request for funding from the Citizens Advice Bureau to ensure that an outreach advice surgery can continue at Blackhall Library. Following a breakdown of outreach figures received from the chief officer it is confirmed that there were a total of 45 CAB sessions in Blackhall which, due to central government cuts, will require additional funding to ensure a fortnightly session for the coming year. Having sought advice on revenue funding from the Area Action Partnership (AAP) I have agreed to contribute the funding requested to ensure that this service continues to be provided at Blackhall Library for 2012-2013.
Hesleden Dene: Following further reports from residents in Hesleden regarding workmen at Hesleden Dene (see previous reports) I contacted the planning section at county hall to request they follow up this matter with the company involved. It has been confirmed that the company is currently considering planning consent to develop the site but that this will involve the completion of a number of assessments over the coming months. This process has halted current activity and also explains the presence of workers on site. I have asked the planning section to monitor the situation to ensure that no excavation can take place during the planning process and also to ensure that the site is reinstated to its former condition following completion of works if permission is granted.
Blackhall Rocks Picnic Area: I met recently with officers from the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership and the Limestone Landscapes Project to discuss proposals for environmental improvements to the picnic area at Blackhall Rocks. I expressed reservations regarding proposals to issue a traffic prohibition order and I have suggested that they submit any detailed development proposals to the public for consultation. I advised them to contact the Parish council clerk to facilitate this. I have also asked that any proposals be monitored through the Parish Environment Committee to ensure correct public engagement. Following further discussions with the Partnership it is understood that they have now withdrawn the plan to issue a traffic prohibition order at Deadman's Bank due to concerns over public access.
Hesleden Landscape Scheme: I recently received complaints from residents in Hesleden regarding the former garage site at Hillcrest Place and Harold Wilson Drive in Hesleden. Most concerns are around the safety of children playing in the area, particularly on the remaining fenced wall at the top of the site. I met recently with officers from the county council and residents to discuss a way to make the area safe and I have subsequently requested a number of costed options to be put to residents. These include a plan for replacement fencing and proposals to remove the fencing and wall entirely to enable the slope to be landscaped into the former garage site. Once I have received estimates for these proposals I will ensure that residents have every opportunity to express their preference prior to any works commencing.
Blackhall Rocks Bus Shelter: The bus shelter at Coast View, Blackhall Rocks was burned out on Saturday 17 March. I immediately made contact with the relevant departments at county hall to ensure that the area was cleared and made safe as soon as possible. On the following Monday morning I contacted officers in the transport section at county hall who assured me that a replacement shelter was ordered and should be erected within 6 to 8 weeks. I also contacted the police, wardens and PCSO on the Monday to urge that every effort be made to identify the people responsible for the arson which could have had much more serious consequences if the wind direction had turned the fire towards the bungalows nearby. This matter has been raised at the Community Forum (PACT) meeting held on Wednesday 11 April.
Sheraton Wind Farm Objection Letter: I have submitted a letter of opposition to the planning department at county hall regarding EDF-ER's proposals for a 5 turbine wind farm at Sheraton (see previous reports).
Blackhall Welfare Park: Following reports of anti-social behaviour at the Welfare Park I have contacted the PCSO and street wardens to alert them to the potential for a further escalation of the problem if not addressed immediately. I have asked that the Parks and Facilities manager be given a direct telephone number for the wardens in the event of a future recurrence and the issue has been discussed at the Community Forum meeting on 11 April.
Seventh Street, Blackhall: I have received complaints from residents and a number of businesses in the area around Seventh Street regarding anti-social behaviour. I contacted the street wardens and the PCSO to ask that they give the area sustained attention over the coming days and weeks to limit the potential for an escalation of a problem we had to address last year in the same area. Again, this issue has been discussed at the Community Forum meeting to ensure a coordinated approach.
Parliamentary Boundary Consultation: The current round of public consultation regarding the Boundary Commission for England (BCE) review of parliamentary boundaries closed on 3 April. To encourage greater public participation I attended the coffee morning at Blackhall Library to talk to those present about the BCE proposals and also the submissions made by the main political parties and the impact of each on our community. The BCE will now consider all responses received and make further (possibly altered) recommendations in the autumn to be followed by a further 8 week period of public consultation. I also met with the Easington MP Grahame Morris and Barry Chambers from Blackhall Labour Party to discuss the BCE proposals.
Skate Park Petition (Blackhall Youth Project): Progress continues with the joint project to ensure youth provision is prioritised in our community. A petition has been submitted to the parish council requesting a skate park in the Blackhall area. Following discussions at the Youth Project Group and the parish clerk I have since contacted the lead petitioners to agree a way forward in addressing their needs. I have suggested that the petition request be coordinated by the Youth Group and that the petitioners be invited to a future meeting to discuss all options. Whilst I have urged that we need to be realistic in considering these options I have suggested that nothing be ruled out at this stage to ensure full community engagement.
Fly-tipping at Blackhall Rocks and Blackhall Industrial Estate: I have received reports from residents at Attlee Avenue and Ocean View at Blackhall Rocks of litter accumulations and fly-tipping at the open field to the rear of their properties. I have contacted staff at Envirocall to request that the area be cleared and monitored. I have also asked that further works be carried out to clear collections of rubbish at the pathway to the rear of the Hackworth Road Industrial Estate in Blackhall Colliery. This follows contact recently with the owners of the industrial estate to ask that they contact tenants to remind them of their responsibility to keep the estate safe and clear from debris.
Hesleden Bus Shelter: Following a recent estate inspection in Hesleden with Dave Carr from the parish council and a representative from East Durham Homes I reported broken windows and damage to the frame at the bus stop at White Crescent/Myra Avenue in Hesleden. It has now been confirmed that repair works will begin this week (w/c 9 April).

If you would like further information on any of these issues please contact me either by posting a comment on this blog or by sending an email to: