Wednesday 27 April 2016

Dignity plc: putting profit before people

We have been notified of Dignity plc's intention to lodge an appeal against the county council's decision to refuse consent to build a crematorium on land opposite the former brewery site at Castle Eden.

Dignity plc are well aware that their plans to build a crematorium in close proximity to the golf course pose a real risk to public health and safety, and they know that their proposals do not stand up to public scrutiny. They have been refused twice by the county council's planning committee in the past two years and they have already been dismissed on appeal by the national planning inspector (please see post dated Wednesday 3 February 2016 for background details).

The former brewery at Castle Eden, with the golf course and site of the proposed crematorium, directly opposite

However, Dignity plc, knowing that several suitable alternative sites are available within County Durham, appear to consider that their profit margin is more important to them than the wishes of the people of Castle Eden, or even the safety and general well-being of their own customers and staff.

Given Dignity plc's persistent intransigence we believe it is essential to once more bring together the entire community and coordinate a response strong enough to make sure that this unwanted and unneeded facility is dismissed once and for all by the planning inspector. 

We are determined to defeat Dignity plc's plans so we will meet over the next week or so with residents, businesses, members of the parish council and county planners to discuss a way forward.

Further details of the campaign will be published on this site in due course:


Application reference:              DM/15/01841/FPA
Appeal reference:                      APP/X1355/W/16/3148225
Name of appellant:                    Dignity Plc
Site:                                             Land To North  Of Castle Eden Brewery Castle Eden
Proposed development:         Erection of new cremation facility comprising a crematorium building, new access road, car parking facilities, ancillary external areas including gardens and pond
Appeal Start Date:                      20 April 2016

The Local Planning Authority has received notification that the above named appellant has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate against the Local Planning Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission.

The appellant has requested that the appeal be dealt with by the  written representations procedure. 

Any representations previously made to the Local Planning Authority prior to the planning application being decided, other than representations which the maker has asked to be treated as confidential, will be sent to the Inspectorate and the appellant. These representations will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal unless, within 28 days of the starting date, the authority or person who made the representations asks the Inspector to disregard them.

Any new representations that you would like to make in relation to this appeal should be made online via or in writing, quoting the appeal reference above, and forwarded directly to the Planning Inspectorate at the address given below.

Representations should be received by the Inspectorate within 5 weeks of the ‘Appeal Start Date’ given above. If responding in writing it is important that 3 copies of your representations are sent to the Inspectorate.  Any representations received after the deadline will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned.

The Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge representations but will ensure that letters received by the deadline are passed to the Inspector dealing with the appeal.

The Planning Inspectorate
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay

The appeal documents are available for viewing online at or at the appropriate Area Planning Office between the hours below:-

Monday – Thursday: 8.30am - 5.00pm and
Friday: 8.30am – 4.30pm

For further advice on taking part in the appeal process you may be interested in obtaining a copy of one of the Planning Inspectorate’s booklets available on-line at: by contacting the case officer listed above.   

The decision will be published on

Should you require any further information please contact the Development Control section on the above telephone number.