Tuesday 4 September 2012

Former Garage Site, Hesleden

I visited the former garage site at Harold Wilson Drive and Hillcrest Place in Hesleden this afternoon with officers from the Area Action Partnership (AAP) and the county council to finalise options for improving safety the area (see post dated 21 August 2012 for further details).

My previous post referred to a number of options, including reducing the height of the wall to prevent accidents, as this was the reason for the initial complaint about safety at the site. This will form the basis of the public consultation later this month which will give residents the opportunity to choose their preferred option (I am advised however that a wall of some description must remain to prevent potential drainage problems in the area).

During the next week or so I will be delivering letters to homes in the streets nearest to the site setting out the options available along with an invitation to call in to the community centre later this month to talk about the options. I am currently drafting these letters so a date is yet to be decided. Please note that although letters will only be delivered to those addresses nearest to the site, the consultation will be open to all.

Please let me know if you have any comments to make about this matter.