Friday 7 September 2012

Search for Skate Park Site

Previous posts on this site refer to a public petition requesting a skate park in our area. This petition was handed to the Blackhall Community Youth Project where it was decided to offer support to residents and petitioners in reaching this ambition (see posts dated 3 May, 11 June & 29 August 2012 for further details).

I posted earlier in the week about the ongoing search for potential sites for the proposed skate park and on Wednesday morning I met with members of the public along with representatives from Groundwork, the parish council, street wardens and police to visit a number of potential sites to assess their suitability for use as a skate park venue.

The following sites were initially considered.

  • Welfare Park (3 options)
  • Chicken's Green
  • Field behind Total service station
  • Field behind Attlee Avenue and
  • Station Road, Hesleden.

Please note that these sites were initial suggestions only and their inclusion on this list by no means indicates any specific recommendation or preferred location.

These sites will now be considered by the Blackhall Regeneration Partnership who will draw up a shortlist of 3 options to be open to full public consultation at a later date.

Please note that this is a scheme run by members of the community with support from the Blackhall Community Youth Project. If you have any comments in relation to this scheme please contact the Blackhall Regeneration Partnership at the Resource Centre (0191 518 4900) or let me know and I'll ensure that your comments reach the Partnership.