Tuesday 11 September 2012

Update - Muck spreading issues

I have spoken today with the head of the county council's environmental health and consumer protection department who offered the following information regarding the ongoing problems associated with sludge spreading on fields in the Blackhall and Hesleden area.

I am advised that the spreading operation has been carried out on five farm fields to the south-west of Hesleden recently. It is reported that, weather permitting, this year's spreading programme is due to conclude within the next day or two and that problems of odour and flies ought to cease beyond this point.

I have also been told that the type of sludge that is causing the current problem is due to be phased out after this spreading season and that a new heated and digested product will be used in future. It is expected that this new innovation will reduce the ammonia content, which apparently causes much of the current problem, resulting in a much improved effect and impact on our communities in future. We shall see!

I have asked that next year the council, along with farmers representatives, the Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water ensure that communities are kept fully informed before such operations commence and that the residents are given clear advice on how to register their complaints in the event that problems recur.

In the meantime I will follow progress closely with this season's spreading operations and ensure that if there are further problems they are dealt with quickly and effectively.