Thursday 13 September 2012

Station Town Neighbourhood Group

The Station Town Neighbourhood Group (STNG) met at the chapel hall in the village this evening to discuss progress on previous projects and to plan future events for the next few months.

It was reported that the trip to Whitby earlier this month, organised by members of the STNG, was a tremendous success and similar events are to be considered for next summer. Regular film nights are also expected to feature in the coming programme following the acquisition of a film projector from the former civic pride team.

Members agreed that the annual meeting will be held in mid-November and will be followed by a community event (yet to be decided) which it is hoped will attract residents - and hopefully new members - to the group. The existing group members have made good, steady progress during their first year of activity but it is recognised that new members are essential to bring fresh ideas to the group and also to strengthen the structure of the group as it strives to move into its second year.

Notices to advertise the annual meeting will be drafted soon and we will leaflet all addresses in the village nearer to the date of the meeting to ensure that as many residents as possible have the opportunity to attend and have their say on how we move forward as an organisation.

In the meantime please do not hesitate to contact me or other members of the group if you require more information or if you have any ideas or issues you would like the group to consider. Even better, drop in to the next meeting to introduce yourself and meet members of the group. 

The next STNG meeting will be held at 6pm on Thursday 4 October 2012 in the chapel hall in Station Town.