Saturday 19 November 2022

Weekly round-up of local issues: 19 November 2022

Please follow the links below for full details of some of the issues I’ve been involved with over the past week or so: 

Replacement bus shelters at Crimdon (below) and Blackhall Colliery (above)

Remembrance Sunday at Blackhall Welfare Park

Residents’ concerns about vehicles on the public footpath at Middle Street

Parking issues at Park Avenue and School Avenue

Progress on dangerous driving and parking on Middle Street

Damaged chicane at Station Town

Highways and Footpaths

Defective footpath surfaces at the bus stop opposite the Welfare Park gates on Middle Street and at the corner of Hatherley Square have been reported to the council for inspection and repairs where necessary.

The footpaths and steps next to the B1280 in Station Town have also been reported for clearance:

The defective footpath on the corner of Hatherley Square

The raised paving stone to the top bus stop in Middle Street

The steps and footpaths on the B1280 at Station Town