Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Local Issues & Casework Update for December 2024

Since my most recent monthly local issues and casework update report I’ve raised queries with the authorities on behalf of 64 residents and businesses across the Blackhall ward. I've also made direct contact with more than 78 individual residents. Almost all of these queries are personal and/or confidential so for obvious reasons details cannot and will not be disclosed to the public.

In addition, I’ve dealt with a number of general queries raised by members of the public. These include issues raised at ward surgeries, during street walkabouts, at the monthly Blackhall PACT meeting and through other methods, including direct contact with me via telephone, email and my social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Bluesky).

These issues range from reinstated traffic calming measures and other highways issues to new street signs for schools in Blackhall Colliery and a preserved cornerstone in Hesleden. I’ve selected a few for re-posting, just in case you missed them first time around.

Please follow the links below for full details. If you have any queries or comments that require a response please get in touch with me direct at: rob.crute@durham.gov.uk

Affordable food project goes live at Blackhall Community Centre: ‘That Bread & Butter Thing’ affordable food project goes live in Blackhall Colliery

St Joseph's Primary school back on the map: A ‘Hidden Gem’ - New street sign puts St Joseph’s RC Primary School on the map

Residents' concerns about drivers 'deliberately' driving the wrong way across B1281 roundabout: Residents' concerns about dangerous driving practices at the B1281 roundabout

Christmas trees lit up in Blackhall and Hesleden: Blackhall Colliery primary school children get Christmas off to a fantastic start Hesleden residents light up the village Christmas tree

Hesleden chapel cornerstone saved for the community: Cornerstone of Hesleden Methodist Chapel to be preserved by the community

Pressure on owners to tidy up private land at Coronation Avenue: Collapsed wall and untidy land at Coronation Avenue

Speed humps to be reinstated at Station Road in Blackhall Rocks: Funding in place to reinstate the speed humps on Station Road

Residents concerned about vehicles driving on open public space on East Street: Danger of vehicles trespassing on the green at East Street

Assessing damaged benches on the beach banks at Blackhall Colliery & Blackhall Rocks: Damaged benches along the beach banks

Monday, 30 December 2024

Damaged benches along the beach banks

Earlier this week a resident got in touch with me to ask if anything could be done to repair a damaged bench on the beach banks in Blackhall Colliery. The benches along the tops are owned and maintained by different organisations so I said that after the Christmas and New Year break I would contact the local authorities and any other agencies to ask if they could replace any badly damaged benches or fix those that were not beyond repair.

This morning I took a walk along the beach banks between Blackhall Colliery and Blackhall Rocks to see for myself which benches had been damaged and which had been removed entirely. I’ve noticed that one or two on the Colliery side of the beach banks were either badly damaged or had disappeared altogether, while others between Blue House Gill and Station Road at Blackhall Rocks were in generally good condition. 

I’ll contact the relevant agencies next week to see what can be done to bring all benches back to use as a soon as possible. I’ll also take the opportunity to get an update on plans to upgrade the coastal footpath (now known as the King Charles III coast path) and also the latest developments on a request to locate which parts of the coastal walk between Blackhall and Crimdon are designated as bridleways - and which should be accessible by horses and their riders. I’ll update on these issues as soon as I have more information from the authorities.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Durham County Council - Christmas and New Year closures

Customer Access Points will close at 12:45pm on Tuesday 24 December, with normal opening hours resuming from Thursday 2 January. Normal opening days and times vary, visit Customer Access Points for more information. 

In the event of an emergency, residents can still contact us on 03000 26 0000 or use the 24/7 automated payments line on 0300 456 2771.

If you are concerned about someone who is vulnerable or at risk, you should contact Social Care Direct/First Contact and the Emergency Duty Team on 03000 267 979. The service will be open across the Christmas and New Year period.

Online services will still be accessible over the festive period, but requests may not be processed until council offices reopen on Thursday 2 January.

Our Housing Service will close at 12:45pm on Tuesday 24 December and reopen on Thursday 2 January. If you are being made homeless, please contact the Emergency Duty Team on the free phone number 0808 196 8406. The service will be open across the Christmas and New Year period for emergency calls only. General housing advice can be accessed at Housing.

Pathways day centres for adults will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.                       

Some of our Family Hubs will remain open over the festive period but will be closed weekends and bank holidays. Families are advised to contact their local Family Hub before travelling to check if it is open or call 03000 261 111. Information and advice is also available at Help for families - your virtual Family Hub.

Our Welfare Assistance Service will close at 12:00pm on Tuesday 24 December. Normal opening times will resume on Thursday 2 January. For information about support available over the Christmas period, visit Welfare assistance scheme

The Register Office, which is located at The Story near Durham City, will close on Tuesday 24 December at 12:30pm and will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. It will open for appoints only on Friday 27, Monday 30 and the morning of Tuesday 31 December but opening times will vary. To make an appointment call 03000 26 6000. Normal opening hours will resume on Thursday 2 January.

Leisure centres will be open throughout the festive period except for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. The last swimming lessons/classes will be held on Friday 20 December and will resume on Saturday 4 January. Visit Thrive Leisure for opening hours at your local centre.

Libraries will be closed from 12:30pm on Tuesday 24 December and will reopen as normal from Thursday 2 January 2025. Normal opening times vary for each library, with full details available at Libraries. Residents will still be able to access the library's Borrowbox app with their library membership over the festive break.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Bin Collections & Household Waste Recycling Centres over the Christmas and New Year period

I’ve been notified of changes to bin collection rounds and household waste and recycling centre (skip site) opening hours over the Christmas period. Please see full details below in a press release issued by the council:

Durham County Council’s collections will take place as normal up to and including Tuesday 24 December.

From Wednesday 25 December to Friday 3 January, residents are being made aware of the following changes to collections: 

Normal collection day

Revised collection day

Wednesday 25 December

Friday 27 December

Thursday 26 December

Saturday 28 December

Friday 27 December

Monday 30 December

Tuesday 31 December

No change

Wednesday 1 January

Thursday 2 January

Thursday 2 January

Friday 3 January

Friday 3 January

Saturday 4 January

Normal collections will resume from Monday 6 January.

Residents can check their collection dates online by entering their house number and postcode into the ‘My Durham’ section of the council’s website at www.durham.gov.uk

Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) across the county will be open as normal over the festive period, between 9am and 3.30pm, except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

The Thornley, Coxhoe and Horden HWRC sites are normally closed on Fridays, and will be closed Friday 27 December. The opening hours for these three sites are 10am to 4pm Monday to Thursday, and 9am to 3.30pm on a weekend.

People can see opening times of their nearest HWRC, and check how busy a site is in advance, at www.durham.gov.uk/hwrc

Real Christmas tree collections will also be available from Monday 6 January. Residents can book a free collection in advance at www.durham.gov.uk/christmastreecollections

Residents can keep up to date with any changes to council services by following @durhamcouncil on Facebook. 

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Danger of vehicles trespassing on the green at East Street

Towards the end of last week and over the weekend I was contacted by residents in East Street who told me of their concerns about vehicles trespassing on the open grassed area opposite their houses. 

As this is a well-used public space residents expressed their concerns that someone could be seriously hurt unless something is done to either deter drivers coming onto the green or to physically prevent them from doing so. 

Several years ago there were similar problems reported further along the green towards the bottom of Aspatria Avenue and Corry Close, where residents had concerns about bikes and vehicles driving onto the open grassed area and leaving it in a poor condition. After residents told me about their concerns I contacted the authorities to ask them to look at ways of keeping vehicles off the green. 

As can still be seen today, it was decided at the time that the most effective way of physically preventing drivers from getting onto the green would be to erect fencing along the bottom of First Street and Aspatria Avenue and also drop boulders onto the main access approach to the green at the end of East Street. A lockable gate was also installed to enable utility workers to get onto the site as and when necessary.

Over the years those measures have generally proved effective in blocking access to the green so I’ve asked the authorities they would consider a similar scheme to be installed at potential entry points along the rest of East Street.

I’ll update on progress with this matter as soon as there are any significant developments.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Funding in place to reinstate the speed humps on Station Road

Earlier this year I received a petition signed by almost 100 residents asking the council to reinstate the speed humps on Station Road in Blackhall Rocks. 

This followed several requests I’d made to the highways section at county hall over the years for works to be carried out to bring the speed humps back to a safe and effective condition (the works were necessary after the speed humps were planed back some years ago to accommodate a royal visit to the coast). Full background details can be found in this post published on Tuesday 24 July 2024: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2024/07/blackhall-rocks-residents-petition-for.html?m=0

As expected the council refused the petition claiming that they had no budget to carry out the necessary works. That was an extremely disappointing response considering the council themselves had modified the speed humps to enable the royal visit. I thought the least they could have done was to repair them again. However that was their final decision and it left me and Stacey to see what we could do to make the funding available.

So I’m pleased to report that after a few hectic weeks of making the necessary arrangements we’ve met this week with the East Durham AAP (Area Action Partnership) coordinator and we’ve signed off a funding bid which will secure the money needed to bring the speed humps back to their original condition. 

Works will be included in the highways works programme to be carried out at some point in the new year, or as soon as officers from the highways department conclude drawing up a schedule of works and put all the necessary preliminary arrangements in place. 

I’ll update on developments as soon as I receive more information about how and when the scheme will progress. But for now we can put this particular battle to one side knowing that at long last the residents of Blackhall Rocks will get the speed humps on Station Road returned to a workable standard.

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Collapsed wall and untidy land at Coronation Avenue

Earlier this year I raised concerns on behalf of residents about a dangerously deteriorating wall opposite Coronation Avenue in Blackhall with a request that the relevant section at county hall contact the landowner to make the wall safe. 

The wall was at risk of collapsing at the time due to pressure applied from the trees and bushes behind it, and unfortunately it came down shortly afterwards leaving the land behind it exposed. The land itself is in private ownership and is in very poor condition. To make matters worse parts of the wall remain stacked against the curtilage of the site close to a busy road used frequently by residents in Coronation Avenue.

I've since asked a number of times for the landowner to be contacted with a request for them to clear the remnants of the wall and bring their land back to an acceptable standard. However, there’s been no improvement and the land remains in an unkempt condition. In addition the debris left behind is reported to be attracting vermin. The land lies between Coronation Avenue and the Esso service station on the A1086 Coast Road in Blackhall. 

I’ve raised my concerns again with the council this morning and I’ve impressed on them the urgency of resolving this matter. I’ve also asked for an update on previous contact with the landowner and I’ve asked again that the landowner is reminded of their responsibility to maintain their land.

Friday, 6 December 2024

Premiere of the Durham Miners’ Association official film of the 2024 Big Meeting

The Durham Miners’ Association has released details of the online premiere next week of its official film of the 2024 Durham Big Meeting. The DMA has also released details of its Christmas concert which will take place on Sunday 22 December. 

Please see full details below:

• The official film of the 2024 Durham Miners Gala will premiere online on Thursday 12 December at 7pm. The 18-minute official film will stream online live on the Gala’s Facebook and YouTube channels. 

The film features the bands, the banners, the people, the speeches, and the Cathedral service and reminds us why Gala day is the greatest day of the year. 

40 years on from the strike there were a remarkable 64 Durham miners banners in attendance. The banner groups are the heart and the backbone of the Gala and we thank you. We hope you’ll enjoy the film.

You can watch live on YouTube here: youtube.com/live/XTBG2uxf8rc

And on Facebook here: www.facebook.com/events/1273161540549321

Following the livestream, the film will remain on our channels for you to watch at anytime. 

• The DMA Brass Band Christmas Concert will take place on Sunday 22 December. Presented by Redhills, this year's event takes place at Coxhoe Village Hall while work continues on the restoration and renewal of the Miners Hall in Durham. Doors open at 2.30 pm for a 3pm start. Tickets are £10, which includes tea, coffee or squash. The bar will be open for people to purchase alcoholic or soft drinks before the concert and during the interval, during which a raffle will be called. Free car parking is available in the car park at the hall, or at nearby street parking. Book tickets here: www.tickettailor.com/events/redhillsdurham/1467781

• We are holding a Christmas sale of this year’s popular products, including the 'Solidarity Forever' t-shirts and the DMA 40th anniversary strike badge. All would make for great Christmas presents and all proceeds will go to the Gala. Order by December 18 to receive in time for Christmas. Buy online here: www.tc-durhamminers.co.uk

• If you’re still looking for a Christmas present, you can also buy a friend or loved one a Christmas gift Marras membership. They’ll receive their personalised Marras card and welcome letter in time for Christmas. They'll also receive a Gala programme ahead of the 2025 Big Meeting. Order online by noon on December 18 to receive in time for Christmas. Order your gift here: https://www.friendsofdurhamminersgala.org/gift

Our thanks for your support in 2024 and for making this year’s Gala such a tremendous success, despite the rain. We wish you and yours the very best for Christmas and the New Year. We look forward to working with you to make the 139 Gala on Saturday 12 July 2025, the biggest and best to date.

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Cornerstone of Hesleden Methodist Chapel to be preserved by the community

Three years after the Methodist chapel on Front Street was closed by the ministry because of underuse plans were approved recently for two homes to be built on the site once the building has been demolished.

As with several members on my Dad's side of the family I was Christened in Hesleden chapel and I went along to the Sunday School there every week for many years in my childhood. I know from speaking with residents that lots of people from Hesleden and beyond share fond memories of the Sunday School, the annual Harvest Festivals, Christmas carol services and countless other events over the years. As local councillors we also held monthly ward surgeries in the school room for several years, and they served the community as a place where residents could come along to raise their issues or just to have a chat over a cup of coffee.

There are so many memories and emotions stored within its walls, and as a prominent village landmark the chapel will be sorely missed by everyone who had a connection to it. 

However, rather than let the building slip from memory I've asked that the cornerstone dating back to its foundation in 1876 is preserved in recognition of the many years the chapel served the people of Hesleden.

This link will take you to the Northern Echo website which contains full details of the new plans: Durham County Council approves church demolition for housing | The Northern Echo

Finally, there's another link here to happier times in 2016 when the chapel marked its 140th anniversary a few years ago: Hesleden Methodist Church celebrates its 140th anniversary | The Northern Echo

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Hesleden residents light up the village Christmas tree

After the Christmas tree lights were switched on in Blackhall Colliery last night it was Hesleden's turn this evening to light up their own village tree, and once more the people of Hesleden did the village proud with another fantastic turnout.

The parish council chair, Cllr Gaynor Crute, welcomed residents who, despite the chilly December weather, turned out to gather around the tree. A rousing rendition of We Wish You A Merry Christmas was closely followed by the countdown to the tree lighting.

As ever, thanks go to the clerk and members of Monk Hesleden Parish Council for organising the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, the parish council staff who worked hard to put everything in place before tonight’s event and of course the Reverend Sally who once again came along to bless the Christmas tree.

However a special thank you is reserved for the residents and children of Hesleden who came along this evening to get the festive season underway in great style!

Monday, 2 December 2024

Blackhall Colliery primary school children get Christmas off to a fantastic start

There was another fantastic turn out this evening for the annual ceremony to light up the parish council’s Christmas tree on Chicken's Green in Blackhall Colliery. Despite the cold and damp weather Blackhall residents and families came along to play their part in what has become the customary start to the festive season in the village.

The parish council chair, Cllr Gaynor Crute, got the ceremony underway by welcoming the children and staff of Blackhall Colliery and St Joseph's primary schools who sang a selection of Christmas carols. Fr Kyle then blessed the tree before leading the children in a countdown to the tree light switch on.

As ever, thanks go to the clerk and members of Monk Hesleden Parish Council, alongside the parish staff who planned and prepared the event, and thanks also go to Fr Kyle for his seasonal message and blessing for the tree. 

And of course a special acknowledgement goes to the main attraction of the night which was the children from both Blackhall Colliery and St Joseph's primary schools who come along with their teachers each year to get the Christmas period off to a fantastic start.7

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Residents' concerns about dangerous driving practices at the B1281 roundabout

A few residents have been in touch over the past few days to tell me about their frustration at drivers passing through the roundabout at the entrance to the Bradley Lowery Way housing estate on the wrong side of the road. Although this is reported to happen as an exception the risk of an accident is causing considerable concern among residents and other road users.

The point has been made by residents that this issue is not about the layout of the roundabout itself - their concerns are about drivers putting lives at risk by deliberately taking the roundabout on the right-hand side of the road, in the face of oncoming traffic. This seems to be a particular problem with vehicles approaching the roundabout from the A1086 Coast Road heading west towards Hesleden and Castle Eden, and it takes place despite remodelling of the roundabout a few months ago. 

The measures put in place earlier this year include improved street lighting and additional signage on the roadside and on the roundabout itself, so there can be no confusion about the presence of the roundabout. Now that the visibility and layout of the road has improved significantly it’s clear that a handful of drivers are going out of their way to drive on the wrong side of the road. The reason why they choose to do this is known only to the drivers themselves, but these deliberately dangerous practices are raising residents’ concerns that they’re likely to cause an accident sooner or later.

In response to residents' concerns I’ve contacted the police and highways authority with a request they consider any additional measures they can take to either prevent or deter drivers from putting their lives, and those of others, at risk by driving on the wrong side of the road. 

Concealed CCTV coverage has been suggested as a potential deterrent, and I've asked for this option to be considered, but I’ve also asked the authorities to do whatever they think is necessary to put an end to this dangerous and irresponsible practice.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

A ‘Hidden Gem’ - New street sign puts St Joseph’s RC Primary School on the map

It was a pleasure to meet up with the headteacher and some of the children from St Joseph’s primary school this morning to reveal the new direction sign installed recently on the Coast Road.

St Joseph’s is a fantastic school but it’s hidden away behind the Aged Miners’ Homes, so a few weeks ago the headteacher got in touch with me to ask if a direction sign could be installed in a prominent position on the main road to show visitors the school’s location.

It’s hoped the new signpost will put St Joseph’s on the map and help to promote its excellent staff and facilities.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Met Office issues Amber weather warning for County Durham

I’ve just received an update from the county council’s highways services manager giving more details about an Amber weather warning for snow issued by the Met Office this morning.

The Met Office have now issued an Amber weather warning for snow from 07:00 this morning until 12:00, with Storm Bert bringing a spell of heavy snow across the county, with rain expected later in the day.   The Yellow weather warning for strong wind, associated with Storm Bert, remains in place until 19:00 today.


Overnight there have been no reports of weather-related incidents.


Highways have had all their gritters out treating the P1 and P2 network and are continuing treatment this morning, for further information regarding snow and ice, please refer to our daily winter updates.


Over the course of the weekend, we have the following resources available if required.



•            On call Emergency Response Countywide Manager

•            On call Emergency Highway Inspectors

•            On call Emergency Action Teams

•            On call Gully Motors


Clean and Green

•            Additional officers on call


Building and Facilities

•            Officers on call

•            6 trades people and 1 supervisor

•            They are contactable via the help desk on 03000 267890 (24 Hour)


Further Updates:

•            Staff from across the services will continue to monitor and react accordingly, including out of hours through usual procedures.

•            Information will be posted on the Councils website:

•            http://www.durham.gov.uk/alerts

•            If you wish to report an issue in your area, please either contact us by telephone 03000 261000or use our online facility at https://doitonline.durham.gov.uk/MyServices

‘That Bread & Butter Thing’ affordable food project in Blackhall Colliery

Stacey and I have received an update from the council’s poverty action team on an extension of That Bread and Butter Thing project offered in selected locations across County Durham, including in Blackhall Colliery.

As you may be aware the Bread and Butter Thing (TBBT) is a charity which helps to reduce food waste whilst making food available at affordable prices to families on low incomes, by sourcing and obtaining the food from surplus in the national manufacturing and distribution networks. They work in partnership and receive food directly from Morrisons, Amazon, Iceland, and Booths amongst others and offer three bags of shopping for £8.50.

Following a successful bid for funding via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, we are currently delivering a project to extend the current offer to a further five hubs which will allow support to be offered to 400 additional residents every week.

We have completed an in-depth analysis of data we hold including in work benefits, available facilities in surrounding areas and potential demand/need to identify suitable locations, and we now have four of the five Hubs fully operational:

Newton Aycliffe – Junction 7, Monday 1pm – 1:30pm

Blackhall Community Centre, Tuesdays 2pm – 2:30pm

Burnopfield Community Centre, Wednesday 2pm – 2:30pm

Gilesgate, Pelaw View Community Centre, Friday 2pm – 2:30pm

Further activity will be taking place in the communities by TBBT to identify the final hub location which will then open throughout the financial year.

Included is a list of the 15 existing hubs below. For more information you can visit their website using the following link: https://www.breadandbutterthing.org/become-a-member

Bowburn – Bowburn Youth Centre, Monday 1:30 – 2:00

Spennymoor - Youth Community Centre, Monday 2:30 – 3:00

West Cornforth - Community Association, Monday 2:00 – 2:30

Annfield Plain - Annfield Plain Community Centre Tuesday 1:15 – 1:45

Seaham – Dawdon Youth and Community Centre Tuesday, 2:00 – 2:30

Peterlee – Eden Hill People Centre Tuesday, 11:30 – 12:00

Consett – Eden Miners Centre, Wednesday 2:00 – 2:30

Tow Law – Community Centre, Wednesday 2:00 – 2:30

Wheatley Hill -  Community Centre, Wednesday 2:00 – 2:30

Stanley (South) – Holly Hill Gardens East, Thursday 1:00 – 1:30

Haswell – The Lisa Dixon Centre, Thursday 1:30 – 2:00

Chester le Street – Bullion Hall Community Centre, Thursday 2:00 – 2:30

Ushaw Moor – The Hut, Friday 1:00 – 1:30

Crook – St Cathrine’s Church, Friday 11:00 – 11:30

Bishop Auckland – Currently Relocating Premises