Towards the end of last week and over the weekend I was contacted by residents in East Street who told me of their concerns about vehicles trespassing on the open grassed area opposite their houses.
As this is a well-used public space residents expressed their concerns that someone could be seriously hurt unless something is done to either deter drivers coming onto the green or to physically prevent them from doing so.
Several years ago there were similar problems reported further along the green towards the bottom of Aspatria Avenue and Corry Close, where residents had concerns about bikes and vehicles driving onto the open grassed area and leaving it in a poor condition. After residents told me about their concerns I contacted the authorities to ask them to look at ways of keeping vehicles off the green.
As can still be seen today, it was decided at the time that the most effective way of physically preventing drivers from getting onto the green would be to erect fencing along the bottom of First Street and Aspatria Avenue and also drop boulders onto the main access approach to the green at the end of East Street. A lockable gate was also installed to enable utility workers to get onto the site as and when necessary.
Over the years those measures have generally proved effective in blocking access to the green so I’ve asked the authorities they would consider a similar scheme to be installed at potential entry points along the rest of East Street.
I’ll update on progress with this matter as soon as there are any significant developments.