Friday, 13 December 2024

Funding in place to reinstate the speed humps on Station Road

Earlier this year I received a petition signed by almost 100 residents asking the council to reinstate the speed humps on Station Road in Blackhall Rocks. 

This followed several requests I’d made to the highways section at county hall over the years for works to be carried out to bring the speed humps back to a safe and effective condition (the works were necessary after the speed humps were planed back some years ago to accommodate a royal visit to the coast). Full background details can be found in this post published on Tuesday 24 July 2024:

As expected the council refused the petition claiming that they had no budget to carry out the necessary works. That was an extremely disappointing response considering the council themselves had modified the speed humps to enable the royal visit. I thought the least they could have done was to repair them again. However that was their final decision and it left me and Stacey to see what we could do to make the funding available.

So I’m pleased to report that after a few hectic weeks of making the necessary arrangements we’ve met this week with the East Durham AAP (Area Action Partnership) coordinator and we’ve signed off a funding bid which will secure the money needed to bring the speed humps back to their original condition. 

Works will be included in the highways works programme to be carried out at some point in the new year, or as soon as officers from the highways department conclude drawing up a schedule of works and put all the necessary preliminary arrangements in place. 

I’ll update on developments as soon as I receive more information about how and when the scheme will progress. But for now we can put this particular battle to one side knowing that at long last the residents of Blackhall Rocks will get the speed humps on Station Road returned to a workable standard.