Saturday 1 July 2023

Monthly Update for June 2023

From additional reports of illegal and dangerous access to our public footpaths, to repairs carried out at Crimdon and a report of a recent accident on the B1281 June has been another busy month in and around the communities of the Blackhall ward. 

In case you missed them the first time around I’ve republished in a single article below just a few the issues I’ve been working on over the past few weeks in county hall and in our community:

Friday 2 June: Illegal access to public footpaths:

Monday 5 June: Unacceptable delays to highways repair works:

Monday 12 June: Damaged fences at Crimdon:

Tuesday 13 June: Holding absent private sector landlords to account:

Thursday 15 June: Repairs to beach access steps at Crimdon:

Saturday 17 June: Requests for safety measures at Wellfield/Castle Eden:

Thursday 29 June: Police response to reported accident on B1281:

If you have any comments or queries about these or any other issues affecting our patch please get in touch with me at: