Friday 14 July 2023

Latest weekly update

There have been three distinctly separate but significant incidents over the past week or so in and around our villages, and each generated a meaningful response from the authorities.

The first related to a site visit carried out on the B1281 near to the Hardwicke Hall Hotel junction, another arose from complaints I'd received about overgrown footpaths along the coast and the final incident has led to a proactive response from a number of agencies to fears of crime and antisocial behaviour in our communities.

In case you missed them first time around I've brought them together in one article:

Site visit held to improve safety on the B1281 at Blackhall Colliery:

Overgrown public footpaths along the coast to be cut back:

Agencies react to recent reports of crime and antisocial behaviour:

I'll update on each individual issue in due course, but in the meantime please get in touch if you have anything you would like me to know about. I'm best contacted at: