Wednesday 12 July 2023

Partner agencies react to community fears of crime

Last week I was contacted by residents concerned about an increase in incidents of antisocial behaviour and reported crime in and around our villages. In order to deal with their concerns, and others I've picked up in conversations with residents since then, I've been in touch earlier this week with a number of partner agencies, including the safer communities team, the local neighbourhood policing team and officers from the council's housing and regeneration departments, to see what they might be able to do to help allay residents' fears about further incidents of crime and disorder.

The intention is to have in place as soon as practicable a range of safety and security measures that are effective as a deterrent, but also workable and proportionate. Having taken on board the feelings of residents the obvious starting point is with the agencies I’ve contacted who are well-positioned to pull together and coordinate funding streams and other resources. They also have that invaluable experience of working on community-led schemes where crime and the fear of crime is a significant factor. 

In response the safer communities team has confirmed they will be able to access funding for home safety and security measures, including CCTV coverage if necessary. They've also told me they will seek additional funding for similar initiatives. I've published their response below for information:

Is [community concern] more in terms of their own home safety/security?  We can certainly do some safer homes stuff for neighbouring properties.

With regard to the TDP (Targeted Delivery Plan) that sits with the council's regeneration team, not sure what is or can be built into the plan at the moment.

Interestingly though, at our MAPS meeting yesterday it was mentioned that our CCTV/Care Connect team have funding via ASB Trailblazer funds for CCTV. I’m going to have a catch up with [the care connect & CCTV manager] as he will be looking where there is a lack of CCTV,. I'm not sure how much funding they've got, but replacing the Blackhall CCTV is on my list of things to ask for.

We have also been given £10k for East MAPS, to be linked to ASB. Broadly speaking I would say I can definitely look at any CCTV from this pot of money.

I'm currently waiting for more details from the neighbourhood police and other partnership agencies on what they might be able to offer in addressing residents' fears about recent incidents of crime in our villages, and I'll update on progress as soon as I have more information.

In the meantime, if you have any concerns about crime and/or antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood please let me know at: and I'll raise the matter with the council, police and other partners to see what they can do to help.