Thursday 15 August 2013

Castle Eden wild flower event

Please find below details of a community event to be held in Castle Eden next month, contact details attached:

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Help us to create a wildflower meadow on Sunday 1 Sept

Help us create a wildflower meadow

Sunday 1 September
10am - 12 noon

Hart-Haswell Railway Path

We've been working with volunteers from the local community at Castle Eden to turn a piece of boring green grass at the side of the track into a flower-filled meadow. Last year we cut and raked the grass to reduce the level of nutrients in the soil (wildflowers prefer poor quality soil). As a result, we've already seen a massive improvement in the diversity of plants. This year we've had:
  • orchids
  • cowslip
  • field scabious
  • knapweed
  • bladder campion
  • marjoram
  • St John's wort
  • hayrattle
  • plus others
All of these plants provide a nectar source for butterflies and bees - and this in year one! Just think how good it will be in the future...

But meadow creation and management is an ongoing process and we need your help.

Why not join us at our next Community Conservation event and help us to improve the meadow even more? The flowers will have set seed and the meadow will have been cut. We need your help to rake the cut grass and then sow some hay-rattle seed.

Hay-rattle is a semi-parasitic plant, it feeds on the roots of grass and weakens it. This gives the wildflowers an advantage and will help even more to flower next year.

Anyone can come along and give us a hand, you don't need any experience. Drop by for five minutes or the full two hours - every minute helps! All tools and gloves will be provided but wear old clothes and sturdy footwear.

We'll also have information about guided walksevents and volunteering so pop by if you want to pick up a leaflet. Our staff will be on hand to chat about the site and any concerns or suggestions you have.

Come along to the Hart-Haswell Railway Path (behind the Castle Eden Inn).  

Parking is available in the Community Centre (opposite the pub), off B1281 at Castle Eden. TS27 4SD. Grid ref NZ423 375. The event will be signposted from the road.

See the location on a map.

Contact us
If you need any more information, call us on 03000 264 589, email or check out our events page.