Wednesday 31 July 2013

Gypsy and Travellers Horse Fair Rumours

Me and Lynn have been contacted several times recently by residents in Blackhall concerned about rumours circulating throughout the village of a horse fair to be held over the August Bank Holiday weekend.

By way of background to these rumours, police have told us that Blackhall is one of five potential sites identified by travellers for a horse fair. The rumoured site in Blackhall is thought to be the former pit site, which is owned and managed by Durham County Council. Given the site ownership we have asked the council to secure the access gates from the nearby Hackworth Road industrial estate to prevent illegal access.

Our main concern, apart from the disruption and clearance costs associated with similar past events in nearby villages, is that the former pit site is used for emergency services access to the rail track in the event of an accident. For this reason we consider that it is vital that this land is kept clear at all times.

We have told the police and the council, that for mainly public safety reasons, we are opposed to any event or trespass taking place on this site. Further, the council is to seek legal advice with a view to serving an injunction to prevent illegal access to the pit site. It is felt that there are many alternative sites available which are much safer for all concerned.

Police insist that they understand residents concerns but feel that gypsies and travellers are inclined to pitch up on any land they think is suitable for their needs, regardless of safety issues and the potential impact on settled communities. It is noted that in previous years they have camped in Seaham, Horden and Easington, amongst others, despite warnings from the police and council that they are breaking the law. It should also be made absolutely clear at this point that neither the council nor the police have given consent for any event of this nature to take place.

We want to assure residents that we understand and share their concerns about the potential for an event of this nature to take place in our area. We also want to assure the community that, to ensure their safety and to keep this area clear for emergency access, we will continue to do everything we possibly can to prevent this event going ahead in this location.

We are due to receive an update from police and council officers within the next day or two and we will keep our residents informed of developments as they arise.