Wednesday 1 August 2012

Digital Durham Broadband

Posts elsewhere on this site refer to Durham County Council's Digital Durham Broadband programme which is designed to establish superfast broadband across the county.

Below is an appeal from the council for volunteers to promote the scheme in their communities:

Champion the campaign for superfast broadband

Have you got what it takes to be a Local Broadband Champion?

Durham County Council is appealing for local people and community groups to promote and represent Digital Durham on a voluntary basis, locally within their area.

The Digital Durham programme aims to bring superfast broadband to the whole of the county and champions will spearhead the scheme locally within their own communities.

Local champions will be required to:

*  Help communicate information about Digital Durham to their local community

*  Gather feedback to ensure community views are understood

*  Co-ordinate local events to help people understand how more efficient broadband can
benefit them

Information on the role is available online by searching for broadband champion at Durham County Council’s website

Application forms are available by sending an email to: or by telephoning the Digital Durham team on: 03000 26 11 60.

All residents, business owners and community group representatives are invited to send in their applications.