Wednesday 29 August 2012

Planning Application at High Hesleden

I have written today to the planning case officer to outline my concerns about the planning application at High Hesleden for 5 stables (PL/2012/0303), which is due to be considered by the DCC planning committee in the next few weeks.

Please let me know by Friday 31 August if you have any issues or concerns you would like me to consider when I address the planning committee. My letter is reproduced below for information:

Dear Henry,

I have the following comments to make regarding the planning application at High Hesleden for 5 stables (and associated works):

I share the concerns of some residents in the village that the area appears to be attracting an unusual amount of planning applications, particularly for stables. In accepting that each application ought to be considered on its own individual merits I do have concerns about the potential for further planning applications (and subsequent over-development) in this area which I believe would adversely affect the nature and integrity of nearby settlements.

Further, I have concerns over the potential increase in traffic (including horses and horse-related vehicles) in this area and the impact this may have on existing traffic and the otherwise peaceful nature of the villages nearby. I note the comments made by the highways section regarding the upkeep of hedges at the junction in High Hesleden. Whilst not technically a planning concern I feel that enforcing upkeep of the hedges in this area may present a future problem in terms of public safety and cost to the council.

Consequently I feel unable to support this application for the reasons identified above unless I have an absolute assurance that my concerns can be satisfactorily addressed by stringent conditions to the consent.



Councillor Rob Crute
Blackhall Division
Durham County Council

Phone: 07827 232 289