Tuesday 16 July 2024

Trials give the green light to safety bollard scheme on Middle Street

From previous articles on this site residents will be well aware by now of a safe parking scheme under development to prevent vehicles from driving along the public footpath outside the shops in Middle Street. Background details can be found in this link: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2024/05/safe-parking-scheme-for-middle-street.html

The original aim of the scheme was to prevent vehicles parking on Middle Street, but from consultation carried out to gauge support for the scheme it became obvious that the problem wasn't so much to do with illegal parking, but rather that residents and business owners were more concerned about vehicles pulling onto the pavement and driving along it to park up. Several near-misses have been reported by residents who have had to avoid cars and vans as they drive onto and along the pavement looking for somewhere to park.

In the interests of public safety this practice had to be stopped so the original scheme developed into one that would primarily prevent dangerous driving practices on a public footpath, while at the same time deter illegal and careless parking in this busy shopping area. 

Without exception, everyone who has contacted me or the council about this issue agrees that vehicles driving along a public footpath is dangerous and unacceptable. Residents have also been clear that they believe this practice presents a real risk of injury (or even worse) to pedestrians and others using the shops on Middle Street. 

For that reason alone the scheme was amended to focus solely on preventing illegal and careless driving practices. In addition, in order to deter parking on the double yellow lines, the safety bollard scheme will be aligned with a more visible presence by the parking enforcement team to ensure that only those drivers permitted to park on double yellow lines are allowed to do so - thereby leaving parking spaces free for those who have a genuine need for accessibility purposes.

Unfortunately there have been a number of delays caused by factors largely beyond the council's control. Full background details of the delays can be found here: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2023/10/revised-safe-parking-scheme-for.html

However, last week I asked for an update on progress and, following a series of trial holes bored into the pavement to identify whether any underground utilities could cause a problem, the scheme is now back on track. I've published the service response below and will post additional updates as the scheme progresses.

Good Morning Rob

I have spoken with *** and the trial holes have been completed. Although there are some services present, it appears they can be worked around. 

There is a meeting scheduled with the officer who arranged the trial holes to review the findings. Following this meeting, he will provide me with the next steps as soon as possible. I will continue to push this forward and keep you updated.

Kind regards
