Friday 13 October 2023

Revised Safe Parking Scheme for Blackhall Colliery

Earlier this week I met with the parish council's Environment Committee where members raised further concerns on behalf of residents about dangerous and illegal parking practices in and around Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery. The Environment Committee meeting was followed immediately afterwards by the latest monthly PACT meeting for October where similar concerns were raised about dangerous parking at the junction of Hesleden Road and Middle Street.

Regular readers of these pages will be aware that Stacey and I have worked alongside the parish council clerk, officers from Durham County Council and the local neighbourhood police team to find a workable way around this persistent problem. As a result proposals were worked up earlier this year to install a safe parking scheme along the main shopping area in the village. Full background details can be found in the articles and links here:

Following an initial period of consultation however, shopkeepers and business owners in some of the premises on Middle Street expressed their concerns about the effect that railings along the street might have in potentially limiting access to the shops for delivery vehicles. Some of those against the scheme in its proposed form have suggested that bollards along the kerbside would be more acceptable so we’ll ask for that option to be considered in any revised plans. Either way, we’ve assured shopkeepers that any scheme perceived as having an adverse impact on their businesses would be revised until proposals are felt to be generally acceptable to residents, business-owners and pedestrians alike.

At our request the council's design team is now working on a revised scheme which would maintain (and potentially improve) levels of business in the village while also ensuring that pedestrians are kept safe by preventing vehicles from driving onto and along the public footpath outside the shops. 

In reacting to additional concerns reported recently we have also asked the council to consider extending the safe parking scheme to a nearby location at the bottom of Hesleden Road where vehicles persist in parking on the extremely busy junction with Middle Street. Several near-misses have been reported recently at this location and the fear of an accident was behind the concerns raised by members of the parish Environment Committee and residents attending the Blackhall PACT meeting as mentioned above. 

In the immediate term we've asked that the double yellow lines at this location are reinstated and enforced. From that point onwards we've asked the authorities to consider any additional measures to physically prevent dangerous parking practices where they are an issue. As part of this exercise we would expect drivers to be directed to alternative parking facilities nearby.

It goes without saying that everyone wants businesses in Blackhall Colliery to survive and thrive, but the overwhelming consensus amongst residents and shopkeepers alike is that protecting pedestrians from dangerous driving and illegal parking practices must be the priority wherever it's a problem.

I'll update on progress with this issue as soon as I have more information from the police and council.