Tuesday 23 April 2024

Company plans to tackle excess water overflow onto the B1281

Following several prolonged periods of heavy rainfall recently I received a query about excess water overflow onto the B1281 and the Gleeson housing estate currently under development nearby, something which has been a concern for some time.

I raised the matter again with the council's highways team asking for an update on the company's plans to address this issue and also their plans to respond to local concerns about reported safety issues on the roundabout at the entrance to the estate. Background details can be found in the link here: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2024/04/prolonged-heavy-rainfall-causes-several.html

Having received confirmation that the developer is responsible for dealing with those issues I've now been given an update from the company's engineer setting out their plans. I've published below their response below in full: 

In regard to the offsite S278/RSA comments, we are looking to appoint a contractor for the works in the next week or so. We have had a bit of trouble sorting one out as who we had originally lined up, walked away from it. At the moment, I don’t have an anticipated start date for the civils work but I think the street lighting works should be starting imminently.

Regarding the gully, which is high on site, I will ask for this to be dropped when we have a contractor on site to avoid ponding at the show homes.

We spoke about completing some trial holes to bottom out the issue with the water run off from the farmers field, this will also be picked up when we have a contractor start date.

Unfortunately, I don’t want to commit us to any time scales at present because we don’t have a lead time from the contractor we are looking to appoint as yet.

I've asked the highways office to monitor progress with these schemes and I'll update on any significant developments if and when they arise. In the meantime if you have any additional concerns about these issues please get in touch with me at: rob.crute@durham.gov.uk