Tuesday 4 April 2023

Hesleden Pit Heap planning application - latest local developments

Last month I published a couple of additional articles on these pages updating residents on the latest developments with the pit heap planning application in Hesleden, including another article giving a brief update on matters discussed at the most recent Hesleden Restoration Community Liaison Committee (CLC).

By way of background I first reported on the CLC back in 2017, setting out its overall purpose of maintaining links between the company operating the site and the community (represented by its local elected county and parish councillors alongside representation from the Hesledens Residents' Association). 

To be clear about its primary purpose, the committee has operated exactly as its title suggests - as a forum for local representatives to liaise with the developer and to raise any issues, queries and concerns on behalf of the community, and also to monitor the transfer of funding from the company to the community for local use.

Since it was first established the committee has met only infrequently but, along with other community representatives from the residents' association and parish council, we’ve been able to use those meetings for their intended purpose - to raise local matters of concern with the developers and the planning team. Notably the meeting has no decision making powers and its members cannot influence the planning process one way or another.

In addition I've reported back to the community regularly on any significant and relevant issues concerning the planning process and the wider implications of the development itself. An article setting out the main issues raised at the most recent CLC meeting held last month was published immediately afterwards. I've reproduced it again here for information and comment: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2023/03/hesleden-pit-heap-update.html

Last week I was asked for more details about the committee, and in particular how local representation is ordered. As these were raised with me specifically as constitutional matters I've asked the committee administrator to include an item on the agenda for the next CLC meeting for discussion.

By way of an additional update on CLC matters, Monk Hesleden Parish Council has confirmed that all the minutes from previous committee meetings are published on the parish council's website and are also available in hard copy in the Parish Office.

As ever, I'll update on any significant developments with this issue as soon as I have more information. In the meantime please make sure you’ve submitted your comments to the planning office as suggested in one of my recent posts: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2023/03/objecting-to-hesleden-pit-heap-planning.html

Last month I noted in one of my update articles that it's possible the application could be put before the planning committee as early as next month. So whenever the planning committee report is published Stacey and I will be seeking an opportunity to meet up with key local representatives to coordinate a response on behalf of the community.