Monday 27 March 2023

Objecting to the Hesleden Pit Heap planning application

Last week I published on these pages the latest in a long series of updates on issues relating to the pit heap site in Hesleden. 

In that latest piece I reported the possibility that the planning application to extend the time allowed to remove the pit heap could be put before the planning committee for a decision as early as May. Full details can be found here:

As we know there have been several delays up to this point, so whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen. Regardless, I think we should use that possibility to prepare ourselves and put out a final call to the community to submit their comments on the council’s planning portal if they haven't already done so. The planning portal can be found in one of the links further down this article.

If we are to challenge the application successfully it’s absolutely vital that as many objections as possible are registered with the council - and it’s equally important that we use the right arguments.

Last year I published details of the types of issues we can use when we lodge our objections. These are called 'material planning concerns' and they are the only issues that planning committee members are allowed to consider when coming to a decision on the application. For example, if we have concerns about dust and noise emissions, the potential implications for road safety or traffic generation or the wider impact of the development on our community we can put those concerns in our letters of objection and committee members will take them into consideration.

However, if we have concerns about the impact the development might have on property values this wouldn’t constitute a material planning concern - and the committee would not be allowed legally to refuse the application on those grounds. It sounds unfair - and personally I think it is - but if the committee refused an application on those grounds the applicant would simply appeal against the decision, and they would win that appeal because the committee would have reached a conclusion based on non-material matters. You can find more information here:

So, if you haven’t already done so, please make every effort to submit your comments to the council via the planning portal. These should be sent in as soon as possible to ensure they’re taken into account when the planning officer compiles the report to be put before the planning committee. The planning portal can be found in this link:

If you would like to read more about the background to this issue please click on the following link. The series of articles set out my own long-standing personal opposition to this development which can be traced back to December 2013:

For additional information the clerk to Monk Hesleden Parish Council has confirmed that the minutes of the Hesleden CLC meetings will be published on the council's website from next week. Hard copies will also be made available for public inspection at the Parish Office.