Friday 31 March 2023

Police update on the B1280 accident in Station Town

I received reports last week of an accident on the B1280 Station Road in Station Town so I contacted the police traffic management office to ask for any information about what had actually happened, along with details of the likely cause if known. 

I also asked for additional information about what measures might be put in place to prevent further accidents at this location.

I've reproduced the officer's response in full below: 

Hi Rob

I can confirm that a Road Traffic Collision was reported to us 19:06 hours 29/03/23 (DHM-29032023-0395) involving a single vehicle which had rolled over at the chicane.

It appears the vehicle may have approached the traffic calming feature too quick causing collision.

Given the location of the vehicle and debris, the road had to be closed until the vehicle was recovered from scene and site cleared.

I’m afraid the only other information I’m able to share with you is that all occupants quickly made off from the scene following the collision and were not present on police arrival.

Enquiries are ongoing re ascertaining who the occupants were.

I am aware of the concerns around the chicane. I last met there on site with [a county council highways officer] and Hutton Henry Parish Council to discuss the local concerns on 16/12/21. In brief we discussed that the chicane was appropriate in its type and location and that in the main any reasonable driver travelling at an appropriate speed should be able to negotiate the chicane with no problem. We did however identify a few remedial actions that may be worthwhile undertaking. I’m not sure if they have all been progressed:

  • Sweep the road of all detritus
  • Cut back trees so that street light offers better lighting of feature
  • Clean all the signs
  • Those signs that can’t be cleaned replace
  • Introduce some cross hatching on the offside to better define route through
  • Introduce keep left throwback arrows on approach to encourage drivers to stay in lane on approach longer before manoeuvring through
  • Move give-way road markings further back away from feature toward yellow backed give-way sign
  • Replace missing chevrons for priority travel from Wingate