Friday 20 January 2023

Flooding incident at Primrose Court

I took a phone call earlier this afternoon alerting me to what was reported to be a flooding issue at Primrose Court in Blackhall Colliery. 

I had a walk round to the estate to see for myself what had happened and when I got there it was obvious there had been some kind of flood in the building, with the cause not immediately clear. Thankfully workers and officers from Believe Housing were already on site dealing with the situation.

Having listened to some of the residents, their family members and a few of the workers on site it became clear that there had been quite a bit of water damage in the corridors after parts of the ceiling came away. 

At the time of writing it hadn’t been confirmed what had caused the flooding but thankfully it appears at this stage that the corridor areas were the worst affected, and apparently not so much the living spaces.

I spoke with officers from Believe Housing who were on site to make sure any debris from the building was cleared away, and also to assess any damage caused. It was hoped that residents would be able to get back into their rooms as soon as it was safe for them to do so.

I’ve asked Believe Housing officers to keep me up to date with developments once the cause of the water ingress has been identified and the extent of any damage has been assessed.

I’ll update on any significant developments as soon as I have more information.