Friday 6 January 2023

Chimneys Hotel in East Street, Blackhall Colliery

A few years ago I published an article on this site intended to allay residents’ concerns about the future potential use of Chimneys Hotel, known formerly as The Trust, which at the time was about to reopen.

It was subsequently confirmed that the property was being refurbished with the intention of reopening as a day care centre for children and young people with sensory impairment. Full background details can be found in the article published back in March 2019:

Last month I was contacted by residents concerned about rumours circulating again about the building potentially reopening. I contacted the council's planning enforcement team to ask their advice, and earlier this week I received an update from them which confirms that no planning application has been received seeking consent to reopen the building for any purpose other than that allowed in the planning permission granted in 2019 as described above.

This is the complete response I received this week from the authorities:

I refer to your enquiry and can advise that the subject premises was granted planning permission in June 2019 for the ‘Change of use from a hotel (Use Class C1) to mixed use comprising day centre (Use Class D1) and residential institution (Use Class C2)’. I can’t confirm whether the approved scheme was implemented, and/or initial work(s) were undertaken to commence the development, but if the premises has remained empty with no work(s) evident to implement the approved use, then it is likely that the extant permission has now expired. I would emphasise that this informal opinion is based on the resident’s comments that the subject premises remains empty and unoccupied.

As far as I’m aware, we have had no further approaches from the owner/applicant with regard to the use of the premises since the planning application was determined. As it stands and given the premises unoccupied and empty status, Officers would have no control over this matter. Furthermore and as you will appreciate, Officers are unable to comment on hearsay rumours regarding the use of the premises.

I hope that the info provided is useful to you Rob, although please give me a shout should you wish to discuss anything further. Moving forward, should you and/or residents witness anything untoward with regard to the use of the former hotel, then please do not hesitate to get back in touch with details, and Officers will make best endeavours to investigate further.

In response I asked the planners to advise whether planning permission would be required if the owner wanted to change the use of the building to something other than its intended purpose (as set out above in the planning consent granted in 2019). 

This is the response I received:

If we are to assume that the change of use permission granted in 2019 has not commenced and/or has not been implemented, then the historic hotel use (C1 Use Class) remains the premises primary and current use status, as the time period to commence the approved development has now expired. Therefore, should the owner/applicant chooses to re-open the establishment as a hotel, then no planning permission would be required.

However, should a different use class be considered, outside of C1 parameters, for example a residential care home or nursing home, or indeed the leasing company’s initial intentions, then PP would be required. For your reference please see below, clarification on the current ‘C’ use classes order:

C1 use class: - Hotels, boarding and guest houses where no significant element of care is provided (excludes hostels)

C2 use class: - Residential care homes, hospitals, nursing homes, boarding schools, residential colleges and training centres

C2A use class: - Secure Residential Institution - Use for a provision of secure residential accommodation, including use as a prison, young offenders institution, detention centre, secure training centre, custody centre, short term holding centre, secure hospital, secure local authority accommodation or use as a military barracks.

In the event of any future proposal(s) for the premises, I am hopeful that the owner/applicant would engage with Officers prior to submission of a formal application for consideration.

In summary you will see from the responses received from the planning department that any significant change of use for the premises would require planning permission. The planners have also confirmed that to date no planning application has been received from the owner(s) of the building. 

If the planning department receives a ‘change of use’ planning application at some point in the future residents will be notified as part of the statutory planning process. I’ll also update on progress as and when necessary. 

**UPDATE, THURSDAY 12 JANUARY 2023** I’ve been told by a resident living nearby that they’ve heard the building could be reopening as a hostel - although the precise type of hostel is not clear. Whatever the intended future purpose, the planning guidance outlined above will apply.