Monday 5 December 2022

Derelict private land on Middle Street

The poor condition of a patch of privately-owned land in Middle Street has been an issue of local concerns for some time. The land has been left open to the elements since perimeter fencing was removed earlier this year and partially replaced at the front. The other side backing onto the library remains wide open to access by fly-tippers and all kinds of rubbish and detritus. 

Earlier this year, following concerns from residents that the fencing at the front of the land was at risk of falling into the public footpath, I asked the council’s planning enforcement team to contact the landowner with a request that the land was made secure. The landowner complied but the fencing was only partially replaced which led to the problems we have today with regular incidents of fly-tipping.

Background details can be found in this link:

Following additional  concerns expressed recently by residents and business owners I’ve asked the council to do whatever it can to either have the land brought back into use or to have it made secure against trespass and fly-tippers.

I’ll update on progress as soon as I have a response from the service.