Friday 11 November 2022

Update on Local Issues

Each month Monk Hesleden Parish Council holds its Environment Committee meeting in the Parish Offices on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery. I attend the meetings in my capacity as one of the two local county councillors and this gives me and members of the parish council the opportunity to share views about local issues and discuss ways of bringing about environmental improvements in and around our villages. It also gives us an opportunity to monitor progress with several ongoing issues and initiatives.

The most recent meeting took place earlier this week, on Wednesday 9 November, when a number of local issues were raised. I've selected just a few of them below for updates:

Collapsible bollards at Park Avenue footpath: despite repeated requests by the authorities to desist a handful of residents have continued to drive along the public footpath at Park Avenue to access their properties. In response the council has informed residents this week that as a last resort collapsible bollards are to be installed at both ends of the footpath to restrict access to vehicles. Full details can be found here:

Public footpaths: following concerns expressed by residents footpaths at High Hesleden and Station Road in Blackhall Rocks have been included in the council's works programme for repairs or resurfacing.

Highway resurfacing works: similarly, following concerns expressed by residents, and after a long, drawn-out campaign, the council has agreed to carry out resurfacing works at the rear of Leaholme Terrace and at Meadow Avenue. I’ve also been advised that all ‘actionable’ defects (ie potholes) were dealt with during the summer months and also that the council will continue to address any actionable defects until scheduled resurfacing works are carried out.

Fencing behind Primrose Court: a section of the fence near to the footpath behind Primrose Court and Bluebell Close collapsed earlier this week. The issue has been raised with the authorities who will contact the landowners with a request that the fence is made safe and that repairs are carried out as soon as possible: 

Derelict land in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery: there has been a long-running problem with unstable fencing on either side of a patch of derelict land in Middle Street falling into the public footpath. Partial repairs were carried out earlier this year making the fence more secure on the Middle Street side of the land. However, the fencing along the other side facing the library has been removed altogether leaving the land open to fly-tipping. This matter has been reported again to the council's planning enforcement team:

Bus shelter replacements: the bus shelter outside the Lido garage on the Coast Road in Crimdon was badly damaged following Storm Arwen towards the end of last year. I've received confirmation that a replacement shelter is scheduled to be installed early next month. I've also requested an update on plans to replace a bus shelter on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery destroyed by fire earlier this summer. Full details can be found here: 

**UPDATE** Tuesday 15 November: The public transport department has confirmed that the order for a replacement bus shelter opposite the Welfare Park gates on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery is still with the council’s suppliers. It’s estimated that the new bus shelter will be installed in the new year. 

As reported earlier the replacement bus shelter at the Lido garage in Crimdon is due to be installed early next month.

If there are any environmental issues in your area that require attention please let us know at: or