Tuesday 28 June 2022

Local environmental issues reported

Following a walk around the streets earlier today, and in response to a few issues raised by residents, I’ve reported the following issues to the council this morning for their attention.

Disused building, Middle Street: a former retail premises on the corner of Middle Street and Seventh Street has been reported by residents nearby as unsafe, especially the damaged roof and the lamps overhanging the pavement. I’ve asked for this matter to be raised with the council’s building control team for their attention

Fly-tipping: I’ve reported two incidents of fly-tipping and rubbish dumped in the back lanes behind Middle Street

Damaged road surface: the badly damaged road surface at the bottom of the back lane between Eighth and Ninth Streets has been reported to the council’s highways section for their attention

Overflowing bins and the overhanging bushes on the B1281 and behind Orchid Court have been reported to the council for the attention of the respective departments

Overflow pipe: residents have reported an overflow pipe discharging water onto the road and pavement at the bottom of Fourth Street. I’ve forwarded this to the council with a request that the landlord/owner is made aware