Monday 27 June 2022

Council’s building control section to deal with damaged fence query

A few weeks ago I was contacted by residents concerned about the bushes and damaged fence leaning into the pathway along the back of Bluebell Close and Primrose Court. After I contacted the council I was told that the neighbourhood wardens would contact the landowner responsible and remind them of their responsibility to maintain the fence and bushes on their land in order to prevent them obstructing the public footpath or causing injury to people using the path. 

However, it was drawn to my attention again yesterday that the fence and bushes were still in a potentially dangerous condition so today I contacted the council again to ask which options remained available to encourage the landowner to make the fence safe and cut back any obstructing bushes.

In return I've been told that the matter has been passed to the building control section at the council for their attention. I've also raised this with the neighbourhood wardens again with a request they visit the landowner to ask them again to carry out the required works. 

Hopefully this latest intervention will have a more positive impact than the last one. However I've asked to be kept updated on progress and I'll pass on any additional information as soon as it's received. 

Please note that the fence and bushes are not the responsibility of the Abbeyvale Care Home.