Saturday 15 January 2022

Latest update on reported issues

Following reports received recently from local residents - and in addition to my update report on environmental issues a few days ago - I have a couple of further issues to update on:

Speed visor on the B1281 at Castle Eden:
Working alongside the members of Castle Eden Parish Council we had a speed visor installed on the B1281 at Castle Eden last year. There had been a number of delays in connecting the visor to the electricity supply until Northern Powergrid carried out the necessary works late last year.

Unfortunately the visor has since been damaged and is awaiting repair. I have been advised by officers in the highways department today that engineers from the company will be on site on Monday afternoon to assess the damage and carry out repairs as required.  

Abandoned bins at rear Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery

I received a report yesterday morning from a resident that a number of household bins had been left out in the street behind Middle Street, at the bottom of Park Avenue and Hatherley Square.

I have raised the issue with the refuse collection service and arrangements will be made to remove the bins at the earliest opportunity.

Traffic restrictions at Park Avenue, Blackhall Colliery

Regular followers of these pages will be aware that following complaints from residents I issued a request some time ago for the council to take whichever measures are necessary to address residents’ concerns about vehicles driving along the lane running down the centre of Park Avenue: 

Materials needed to carry out the necessary works were ordered months ago but unfortunately hold-ups in the supply line are delaying a start - from news reports this appears to be a widespread problem caused by a combination of factors. I've asked the officers in the highways section this week for an update and I'll report on progress as soon as I have a response.  

Damaged bollards on Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery

I've received a report that bollards on Middle Street have been damaged in a traffic collision. I've contacted the highways section at county hall with a request that the damage is assessed as soon as possible and that all options for replacing the bollards are considered. I'll update on progress as soon as I have more information from the service. 

Request for dog bins at the Scheme Houses

Last week I received a request on social media for two dog bins to be installed; one near the children's play area at the Scheme Houses and another on the road along the top of Arnold and Byron Avenues. I issued a request to the service to carry out a survey of bins provided at these locations and an initial response indicates that there are already bins in place. 

I've followed up with this query today (Saturday 15th) and there are bins in place at the play area (shown above) and at the bus stop at the top of Eleventh Street and Arnold Avenue. The service has confirmed that both bins are dual purpose and can be used for litter and dog waste. 

Update, Saturday I’ve contacted the neighbourhood wardens again this afternoon pointing out that while there are dual litter/dog waste bins in place some dog walkers aren’t using them to dispose of their dog’s waste. I’ve asked the wardens if it would be possible to erect warning signs at this location and also mark the bins as dual use. I’ve also asked them if they could give this location some additional attention for a while in the hope it acts as a deterrent to the tiny minority of dog walkers who seem to think it’s acceptable to let their dogs foul our streets.

Fence repairs at Blackhall Rocks

I have been contacted by a resident at Blackhall Rocks concerned about ongoing delays to fencing repairs on Believe Housing land to the rear of the Coast Road which are reported to have been damaged during Storm Arwen in late November last year.

I've raised the matter with officers at Believe Housing who have assured me they'll arrange to assess the damage and get back to me with a response. I'll update on progress as soon as I have more information. In the meantime if you are aware of any remaining concerns about damage caused by Storm Arwen please get in touch:  

For details of my update report earlier this week please go to: 

Please continue to report any issues or concerns to me at: or if you prefer you can pass on any concerns direct to the council at: or by telephone at: 03000 260 000