Wednesday 12 January 2022

Environmental issues in Blackhall Colliery and Station Town

Following recent contact from residents - and also in response to a number of issues picked up on regular street walkabouts - the following environmental issues in Blackhall Colliery and Station Town have been reported to the relevant authorities for their attention: 

Damaged fence in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery (CRM Reference: FS 3915 42035)

This is a long-running issue regarding a damaged fence on private land on Middle Street, near its junction with Hesleden Road. The fence has been repaired several times in the past but then frequently falls into a state of disrepair again - especially following windy weather conditions. 

On this latest occasion the fence is leaning inwards and the lower section is sticking out into the footpath causing an obstruction and presenting a trip hazard. It has been reported to the council with a request that the landowner is contacted to carry out repairs.

Debris on the footpath at the B1281 in Blackhall Colliery (CRM Reference FS 3924 45978)

Works have been carried out recently to thin the trees and hedges overhanging the footpath adjacent to St Joseph’s RC Church on the approach to the B1281/A1086 Coast Road junction in Blackhall Colliery. This follows regular complaints from residents about the dangerous condition of the footpath surface, especially when wet or frozen. I’ve asked for the debris left behind to be cleared as soon as possible.

Damaged fence near the Business Centre in Station Town (reported direct to service): Residents have raised concerns that the fence adjacent to the Business Centre in Station Town has been damaged. I’ve asked the council to carry out repairs.

Damaged chicane at Station Town: This is another of those long-running issues where the bollards and signage at and around the the chicane on the B1280 linking Station Town with Wingate are almost permanently damaged. Stacey has passed residents’ concerns to the relevant department at county hall with a request that repairs are carried out as soon as possible. In light of the many issues relating to this structure we intend to gauge public opinion on whether we should request the highways authority to consider installing safer and more effective measures at this location.

Debris in the streets at the Scheme Houses (reported direct to service): Residents contacted me earlier this week expressing their concerns about the poor condition of some of the streets at the Scheme Houses in Blackhall Colliery following works carried out recently by a utility company installing underground cables. This is developing into something of a problem following reports of similar issues in other parts of our patch. I’ve asked the council to contact the companies responsible with a request they return the streets and footpaths at this location to a decent condition.

If you have concerns about any environmental issues in your area please get in touch with me or Stacey and we’ll do whatever we can to help:

Rob: or
