Wednesday 19 January 2022

Update on storm damaged trees at Blackhall Rocks

I received a query yesterday about damaged trees along the eastern side of the railway lines from the bottom of Station Road in Blackhall Rocks.

The trees and some of the fences at this location were damaged by the impact of Storm Arwen on the night of Friday 26 November last year, leaving a few trees falling into the railway track.

I reported them to the countryside rangers as soon as it was brought to my attention on the morning after the storm and I’ve now received the following update on works to remove the damaged trees:

The trees associated with the railway line are being resolved in collaboration with Network Rail, which is taking some organisation.  The other trees as part of the conifer block, will be dealt with using contractors due to the amount and complexity of the task.  Unfortunately, as with everywhere else, securing contractors is proving quite difficult.  It will be done as soon as we can, in light of other works needed across the County.


I’ll update, when I have further information.