Wednesday 12 January 2022

Follow up to Storm Arwen

It was drawn to my attention this morning by a comment on Facebook (since deleted) that the council’s response to residents’ concerns about damage caused to their homes and property by Storm Arwen last November may have been insufficient.

I’ve checked back through my own telephone and email records today and I’m confident that every contact I received from residents and property owners/landlords in the aftermath of the storm was dealt with by the relevant department at Durham County Council and other partner agencies such as Believe Housing, Northern Powergrid and any relevant utility companies. In addition officers have also confirmed that they responded to every issue I raised with them on behalf of residents - and in all cases left their contact details with the resident/landlord in case of future need.

However I’m concerned that anyone who might have contacted the council or any other agency direct may not have received the response they wanted or needed.

So if you or anyone you know have any outstanding issues that haven’t yet been dealt with by any of the authorities please get in touch with me direct with details of the person or agency you originally contacted and I’ll see what I can do to follow up on your query: or 03000 268 702