Friday 5 March 2021

Welfare Crescent garage site scheme completed

Last year I was contacted by residents concerned about the poor and potentially dangerous condition of the former garage site at Welfare Crescent. Almost all the garage blocks had been abandoned and were becoming an eyesore - as well as attracting unwanted attention from trespassers with concealed access to the Welfare Park and nearby gardens (please see post dated Friday 20 November 2020: for background details).

Along with the parish clerk I contacted believe housing who, as owners of the site, agreed to take whichever measures were necessary to improve the appearance of the site and also make it secure against trespass. 

Work began on site in November last year to carry out the first phase of works, which was to remove the derelict garage blocks and make the area safe. I have now been contacted by officers from the housing company to confirm that the second phase of the works, which was to erect fencing and provide lockable gates at the entrance to and from Welfare Crescent, had been completed too.

On behalf of residents my thanks go to the staff at believe housing for their quick response to this matter, and for the high quality of the works carried out.