Tuesday 9 March 2021

Road repairs query at Crimdon

For some time I've received complaints about the condition of the private road linking the A1086 Coast Road with the seafront at Crimdon. As can be seen from the image below some parts of the road are marked with deep potholes - with the length of road passing beneath the viaduct being in particularly poor condition.

When I've raised these concerns in the past I’ve been assured that this is a private road and that ownership and maintenance responsibility have been disputed for some time. I contacted the legal department at county hall again recently to ask for an investigation to be carried out to determine once and for all the owner(s) of the road and the agency or organisation responsible for its maintenance.

Legal and land issues of this nature tend to be quite complex, with deeds changing hands frequently over the years, and this has proved to be the case on this occasion. However, I've asked for a definitive resolution to be reached in sufficient time for the road to be repaired before the summer season and the opening of the new Crimdon Hub later this year.

I'll update on progress with this query as soon as the landownership and maintenance responsibility issues are resolved.