Friday 21 February 2020

Private-rented Housing Scheme Consultation to be held in Blackhall Library

Earlier this week we reported that a 10-week period of public consultation on the county council's proposed Selective Licensing Scheme had started (please see post dated Monday 17 February 2020 for details).

The Selective Licensing Scheme, which will require private sector landlords to hold a license in order to rent out their houses, is intended to hold private rented sector landlords to account for the condition of their properties and also for the behaviour of their tenants. It was an issue we first raised at a PACT meeting back in 2018 following a number of complaints about anti-social behaviour in the village at the time.

The council will be holding a series of drop-in sessions across the county to help residents and businesses to register their comments on the Scheme as part of the consultation exercise. We can confirm that the session for Blackhall will be held at: 

Blackhall Library on Friday 28 February 2020 from 2pm until 4pm

Anyone with an interest in this issue is welcome to come along to meet housing officers who will be able to answer questions about the Scheme and will also be happy to help residents register their comments.