Wednesday 30 January 2019

Council to seek measures to improve The Seagull at Crimdon

Following recent reports from residents of further incidents of damage and illegal trespass at the former public house The Seagull at Crimdon, planning officers have confirmed that environmental health officers at county hall have re-opened an enforcement case from last year to prepare to serve notice on the owner(s) to secure the building against further trespass (please see posts dated Wednesday 16 May 2018 & Sunday 8 October 2017 for background details):

As a further quick update, I have written to the last known owner of the site to seek cooperation to make improvements and re consider the options for the future of the site.

I have also been advised by the Public Health and Housing Manager in Environmental Health that they are to also re open the case and prepare to serve a notice to board up the single entry point on the porch, but no other details are confirmed.

The Seagull at Crimdon, looking south-east from the A1086 Coast Road